Chapter 13: Co Leader to Leader

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Leonardo's POV:

I can't belive it. We were captured. Oh I feel like a failure.
"I'm so sorry guys. I'm sorry i failed you."
"Oh Don't say that."
I turn to my left to see Larota in so many chains. Holding her down and really big cuffs on her hands and something on her mouth.
"Who are you again."
She asked staying still.
"I'm Leonardo."
"Well Leonardo, i met someone like you. Well not completely but... His name is Usagi. He is a mutant rabbit who couldn't get rid of the fact that his sensai passed... and it ruined him. He pretended like he wasn't dead.... He was one of my best friends. I don't know where he is now but... I know he still cares."
She said.
"Was he a leader too?"
"Oh no he was co leader. I was the leader."
She said. I was shocked.
"So Leonardo-"
"Call me Leo."
"Alright. Leo don't ever say you failed you're team. It may almost crush you."
"Why do you say that."
"Well because it happened to me. I led my team into a bloody fight that i will never forget..... No one was hurt but because i believed I failed them, my life started going down hill. Well...never say you failed your team. You still have a chance to get outta here."
I was shocked. Larota was a leader but her team abandoned her? Dang.
"Im so sorry that happened to you Lara."
"Don't be it happens."
It was silent for awhile until the dark room's door opened. It was OTHER MUTANT TURTLES!?
"Larota, i see you've made a new friend."
The guy said. Larota looked pissed but why? Then another came. He didn't have a mask but he had glowing red eyes.
"Jakana and Orimura. What do you want."
Larota said. She knows them?
"We want you to come with us."
They took of some of her chains so she can walk.
"I am not leaving him alone here."
She said putting her head on my neck. That Jakana guy stomped his foot forward but Orimura stopped him.
"You don't have a choice Larota Yoso."
They took out her mask thing. Now I know why she didn't move her head at all. It had spikes in it. If she moved more then it would cut her deeply.
"I would rather die than be with You Jake and Dad... you can rot in hell. I'm not joining."
Wait this guy is her dad!?
"Very well. We'll do this the hard way."
She got infront of me.
"Fine take me but put him in a nicer spot. Atleast."
"Very well. Jake take Larota. I want to just talk with the other turtle."
"Very well."
Jake took Larota's arm and dragged her out. The Orimura guy took me out of the chain i was in. And wrapped my arms.
"Sorry sir but i cannot fail my team."
I kicked him in the stomach and took the chain and wrapped him up. Then Left I don't know where i was going but i stayed hidden and I was going to find my team and Venus's. Venus. That girl. What is it about her that makes me feel weird. I don't know but if she's her too, I'll be sure to save her. After what Larota said, i felt confident. But first i need to make a call.

Raphael's POV:

I was in chains of some sort. Damn it Leo. Then I heard a bang. And a couple more. I saw Larota running.
I yelled. She looked towards me and and back where she came from and ran towards me.
"Ok Raph. I don't have much time but I have a plan. I made Leo escape and I'm going to let them capture me. Leo will try to save all of you first and then try to get me. But you have to listen to what I'm going to say."
She looked into my eyes. She looked worried.
"Don't come try to save me."
What!? But what if you-"
"Shhhh. I know what I'm doing."
"Trust me Raph. Once he gets you guys tell him that I have this under control. You may argue but it won't be the end of the world."
"Ok but if I don't see you I'm going to get you."
"Don't worry i got this Teddy bear."
"Stay safe princess."
I winked. She rolled her eyes. Damn she's feisty.
"Get her!"
Someone said.
"Catch me if you can weaklings!"
She said running. Then a little crowd of ninjas came after her. Please don't get hurt Lara.


I waited there for what felt like hours. When is Leo gonna come. I thought. Then i heard some grunts and flesh against flesh and wood? Then I saw him.
"Wooh! Oh hey Raph. Leo called us saying you were all trapped so here i am Casey Jones! Yea."
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Yea listen Casey I just need you to get me out of here."
He started to undo my chains.
"So I'm kind of confused here. Who are these guys."
"If you're talking about Shredder's new recruits. I don't know. If you're talking about the new mutant turtles then i can't explain now."
"Are they you're guys girlfriends or."
"Donnie is dating the one in the violet mask and they're a couple. Not the rest of us. We're just friends."
"You're repeating yourself."
"I'm not."
I jumped down from where I was and grabbed my sais. They were getting dull and short. I need new ones. Me and Casey were fighting off the foot and other ninjas when I saw Leo with Donnie.
"April is getting Amoly and Vern is... somewhere."
"In the Van."
"The van?"
"Ya we found a van that Vern really liked and we kind of borrowed it."
"We don't have time for this."
Donnie said and starting running. Leo was about to follow him bit I stopped him.
"Leo, Lara told me to not come for her. She's got it under control."
"Don't worry Raph. I belive in her."

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