chapter 9: Waiting for help or escape

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Amoly's POV:

"Ya Am's?"
We said not looking at eachother, but the ground.
"What do you think Shredder's gonna do to us."
"I don't know Amy but Talena and Venus will get us out of here."
"Right. And if they don't."
"... well then i guees we just have to wait."
I don't know why but
"Lara I'm scared."
I said looking at her.
"I know Amy but they will come."
She said giving me her best smile. I smiled back.
"Let's hope it's soon."
She continued. Then the Shredder came in with,
"Baxter Stockman and Orimura."
Me and Lara said while grinding our teeth together well mostly her.
Lara looked pissed. And i was too. "Ahh so you know them."
Shredder said.
"Ya He's our peice of shit dad."
Larota said.
"And Baxter is a stealer who only cares about money and not his family."
I said scrunching my lower lip over my upper lip.
Then I felt a jolt of electricity in my whole body. I wanted to scream. Lara just fell with her muscles getting stiffer and her face scrunched up.
"Have you thought about your decision yet."
Shredder said.
"We will never join your stupid clan you over-sized razer."
Lara said catching her breath.
"Very well. Stockman."
Baxter nodded.
Shredder and Dad left the room. I looked at Baxter in the eyes.
"Please tell Talena I'm sorry."
He mouthed. Looking at me and Larota. We were confused.
He pushed a button that opened our doors. We gasped. We were in a tight container with barely any air. He took Larota's Claw and Stabbed himself in the arm almost wiping it off.
"Is he crazy!?"
I whisper yelled.
"Go. Please."
He said. Me and Lara looked at eachother and nodded at eachother and went in the vents.
We got some of my stuff sneakily and stayed in the vents until it was dark.
"Great now i have nerd blood on me."
Lara said shaking her hands splattering some blood.
"Ewww gross Lara!"
I said pushing her a little.
We laughed.


When me and Lara were out, we discovered that we were in there for at least 2 weeks. Man time flew.
We were now on the roofs when suddenly Larota gasped.
I asked.
"Follow me."
She said grabbing my hand and taking me to
"The sewers?"
I asked.
"No. It's an abandoned headquarter under the sewers."
She said
We went inside through the Manhole cover. We walked for what felt like forever. Then i saw what i least expected.
I said.
There were plants everywhere. Some had snaps like in that one musical, Little Shop of horrors. Even some animals i had never seen before. It was like a fairytale in real life.

 It was like a fairytale in real life

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