Chapter 7: We need a plan to get them back

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Talena's POV:
I kept pressing random buttons to see if i can fix the issue with the connection but nothing was working. I was getting worried. Donnie and Raph must have saw my problem.
"Wait what happened?"
Raph asked.
"I don't know but something happened to them."
I said.
"Maybe her weapon broke?"
Donnie suggested.
"That does make a lot of sense."
I muttered.
I said getting up.
"We will wait until i get another voice massage from Amoly."
"Hey quick question."
Mikey said. I gave him a look that he can speak.
"Are they single or."
They guys groaned and rolled they're eyes. Raph smirked a bit doing so.
"Yes actually we all are."
I said thinking about how Ollie was a big flirt. I hated him for that.
"Oh all?"
Mikey continued.
"Ya. Amoly, Larota, Venus, Moalier, me. Our Master Hopu too. Though Amoly and Hopu are desperate for it."
"Do you have any pictures?"
Leo added.
"Of course! They're pictures are one of the only things making me sane."
I went back on my chair and went to very middle where the biggest screen was. It was bigger than a big TV. I showed them some of the pictures.

Description: All four girls, Amoly, Venus, Talena and Larota. Larota trying to hide her face with her hand. Amoly doing a silly face. Venus's warm smile. And a smirking Talena.

"Thats them."
I said.
"Would you like to see more?"
"Yea sure"
"Of course."

(This is an old edit i made like SUPER old lol)

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(This is an old edit i made like SUPER old lol)

Description(of another one): Everyone on the couch. Larota hiding her face. Amoly on Larota's lap snoring. Venus behimd the couch looking at everyone like: (-_-). Talena pushing away Oliver from kissing her while rolling her eyes. Moalier just sitting there.

"Who's that?"
Donnie said pointing at Oliver.
"Oh that's Oliver. He's a big flirt. He is really annoying."
I said rolling my eyes.
"How are those beautiful girls single!?"
Mikey said. I started to giggle.
"You try telling them they're beutiful, they wouldn't believe you."
"How come?"
Raph said. Wait does he care.
"Well Amoly has always wanted to be human,"
I said pointing to the one with the pink Bandana.
"She feels like someone would actually love her if she was instead of a "Monster.""
I said in hand quotes.
"Larota is stubborn and can argue her way into everything."
I said pointing to the one in the dark red Bandana. I looked at them. Mikey looked sad a little. Raph looked a bit mad. Donnie's face looked like he was jealous of something. Leo just looked at Venus.
"That's Venus our leader."
I said pointing at the one with the Light blue Bandana. Leo looked at me and then back to the picture.
"She's the one who taught me magic. Would you like to see a video too?"
I added.
They said.

(I used this because its Funny AF)

Reekid: Amoly
Mully: Larota
YourNarrator: Talena
Then there's just Venus, Moalier and Oliver as anyone else.
(Just what ever fits)
3:16: Mully: Larota
Reekid: Amoly
YourNarrator: Venus
Josh: Talena

The screen gliched.
"Hello? Talena?
It's me Amoly. Don't come here now! Wait for Venus to go back to the
l!>=. We are #[>ng fine. Shredder will try to k>)) you if you c[?÷. Don't worry we'll figure something out."
"What was that?"
Leo asked.
"It was Amoly."
I said
"Why doesn't she want you to-"
Raph was interrupted.
I could here Larota
"Oh so thats why"
I said crossing my arms. I looked at them and they had confused faces.
"So you see here."
I took a deep breath.
"Kraang sort of wants me dead because I stole a LOT of they're stuff."
I said with a nervous smile.
Leo asked then I heard the gate open. I quikly stood up. The guys quickly took they're weopons out.
I opened the door and saw what i least expected.

(Translation:"...Wait for Venus to get back to the lair. We are doing fine. Shredder will try to kill you if you come...")

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