Chapter 4: Some things don't go as planned

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Venus POV:
I was meditating in one of the many rooms in the Pei Chi clan. I couldn't help but feel... Negativity. It felt like pain, hurt, and then I thought about Larota, Amoly and
"Shredder and Nayichu."
I said under my breath and harshly. I then started to meditate more. I wanted to know if the feelings i was feeling were true. I was going to try to contact Larota from the spirit realm. God please let this work.


Larota's POV:
I was just looking from behind Amy's shoulders when i heard something behind me but i was to late. I felt a sharp pain enter my chest and neck. I look to see a Rozu clan member holding a dart gun. I tried to fight her but i couldn't move and then i fainted. I felt like a failure. I hoped that Amy got out of there.
I woke up in a strange room. It was dark the floor was like concrete and there were chains hanging from the ceiling and walls. I felt as if some of those chains rapped me to the ground i tried to get up but the chains got tighter and tighter. I stopped to look around. Oh no. I saw amy in a big testing tube in a room next to mine. I moved little by little until i could actually see her. She was rapped in less chains but had scars and really big scratches all over her body. I hear someone enter the room.
I said loud enough for him to hear me.
"My child-"
"I'm not your child."
"- If you join me-"
I couldn't finish my sentence when he took out his claws and hit me on the eye with it. I fell backwards to my back on the ground he picked be up by the back of the neck and pushed the back of my shell on the wall cracking a little bit of my shell and the wall. Damn this guy is tough. No wonder my idiotic dad joined his side. He put his claw to my neck so if i spoke i was dead.
"My child, if you join me you can be with your father again but if you dont accept, you will be with your mother."
He put me down as i fell and landed my knees to the ground. I felt like crying but i knew i couldn't show it. I looked up at him.
"I would rather DIE than join your weak clan.
He looked at me and turned around.
"I thought you'd say that. Well scream if you change your mind."
He turned back around to look at me.
"You are very familiar with this place Larota Yoso. Welcome to the big apple."
He said and walked away outside the room and closed the door. I kept staring at it thinking how the hell we got here.
"Lara is that you?"
I suddenly look back at Amoly and lift my hands up so i could touch the glass barrier.
"Amoly thank the lord you're ok."
"You too Lara its good to see you're not like dead."
"Ya lil' sis. Are you ok!?"
"Ya we've been through worse am i right."
"Oh way worse."
"Ya Am's?"
"Try to see if you can contact Talena or Venus."
"Shit you're actually right for once."
"Hahaha I'm kidding. Sort of."
"Ok ok I'll do it."
"Thats the 'spirit.'"
"Oh haha Amy"
I look back at her and cross my legs and hang my head trying to meditate. Then i gasped as i felt my spirit going to the spirit realm.
Talena's POV:
I was just talking with donnie on the couch when i felt pain all over my body and head. It was a spiritual call.
"Are you alright Tally!?"
Donnie said.
"Ya im fine-"
I felt three sharp claws on my eye.
"I just need to meditate Donnie and I'll be fine.
"You can meditate here if you want."
He said pointing at the round rug next to the big water slide thing.
"Yes that will work."
I said opening my bag and putting my whole arm in it trying to find a potion to help me.
"How did you-?"
Donnie said. I giggled at his reaction.
"It's a common spell Donnie i used it to make the bag like an infinite hole."
I grabbed the smallest vile of sparkly light blueish green liquid when the other three turtles came in.
"What's going on?"
"The blue one said."
"She's going to meditate Leo."
Donnie said.
"I am going into a spiritual call. It is an emergency from my friends."
The red one said. I think his name is Raphael. Are these guys italian or something?
"I said what i said. If you would like to watch please do i dont mind."
I went on the rug and crossed my legs and took the potion. I put one drop on my finger and rubbed it in my hands while doing the Chi hand technique.(think of the Kung fu panda chi technique he used.) Then the candles lit up. I heard some of the boys amazed on what i did. I  put the back of my hands on my knees while closing my pinkie/ ring finger and thumb. I then closed my eyes and started to meditate. I saw a flash of white light. I was entering the spirit realm.


Narrator's POV:
The three girls were all in the spirit realm together. It was a long time since they saw eachother.
"Ok Lara whay happened."
The shinobi said.
"Wait what!?"
The violet one said.
"I know we've never encountered or actually fought Shredder before but this man is tougher than before."
"What exactly happened Lara."
Talena said.
"Me and Amy were just spying on some ninjas before we passed out and got sent to new york."
"That's where i am."
"Shinobi you have to come to new york i do not care that you're still training."
"I will try to convince the masters."
"Remember shinobi, we are all stonger together as a family and team."
Larota didn't want to pressure the shinobi more about why she left Talena alone in new york. She would do that when they're all safe. The shinobi left the spirit realm to tell her masters on what's happening leaving Talena and Larota there.
"Yes Tally?"
"I have a few friends that might help us."
"Good. Are they human?"
"Oh no they're not but I'm not ruining the suprise. By the way where exactly are you?"
"I don't know Tee- wait. Let me ask Amoly if-"
"She has her Weapon so she can send an emergency call."
They said at the same time.
"I will see you soon Lara."
"Ya Tee."
They both left the spirit realm so no one was in there at all. A chuckle can be heard from a distance.

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