Chapter 3: Turtles in Brazil

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Amoly's POV:
It's Night time which means it's time for some Turtle Action! I grabbed my helmet and suit and went into my black and neon pink car with more neon pink LEDs in the bottom as i yelled,
"I WON'T! Geez."
I went out of the garage and into the city streets. (Imagine going out at night to race in need for speed heat.) I was headed near the beach where the race was taking place. Once i got there Lara was already waiting for me.
"How the hell did you get here so fast?"
I asked Lara through the call we had whenever we raced.
"I don't know how did i?"
She said sarcastically.
Then we started racing with a few other racers. They were not that bad. I put on my music as i raced.

(This is the song she plays while racing.)
Lara came first while i was just behind her in second.
I said.
"Trust me Amy you can never beat your older sister."
"Oh shut it Lara. *sigh*
"You good Amy?"
Lara asked
"Yea it's just... im kinda lonely is all."
"Dude seriously? If you're talking about being single then, i don't know just... I'm not really good at this whole love shit. It sucks."
"Are you saying that because our step bro is obsessed with you sis."
I said laughing.
I was laughing so hard now. I was laughing until we got to a gas station.
"I'll do it."
Lara said.
We both had our capes on to hide our shells. A lot of people where caps here actually. We kept our helmets and suit on of course.
Here's what they look like! (They dont show skin by the way.)


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We both started Talking about our father

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We both started Talking about our father. I belive he can change but Jake. I don't know. Lara didn't trust Dad anymore after he asked her to join him and the shredder to conquer the world and Jake because he almost... nevermind its too "grown up" if you know what i mean.

We both went in our cars and drove to an allyway and parked there. We went to the highest roof and took off our clothes. We did have our regular ones underneath. We sat down and as i grabbed some pizza i had in the back of the car. Lara looked at me weirdly.
I said also getting a burrito and lays chips and rolled it up making a pizza burrito and basically inhaling it.

It was quiet for a bit. I know Lara likes the quiet.
"Hey Lara. Do you think we'll ever find love?"
I asked wanting to know if she ever wondered how love feels like.
"If I'm being honest Amy i really don't think so."
"Who would even date things like us."
We said at the same time. I started to giggle as she just smiled. I liked to see Lara smile. It always made me happy to see my big sister happy. I took an extra box of pizza i had and held it in both my hands and looked at Lara with a big smile.(like in the picture above) She looked down at the ground while taking a peice of pizza or two. When we finished the box Lara looked more closely at something. I looked down to see a group of ninjas putting stuff in a big black van. Those weren't any ninjas. They were Oroku saki's ninjas. The foot clan. Me and Lara looked at eachother. She jumped to one of the lower roofs unseen. I jumped trying to get to the one closest to the foot and i tripped and made a loud noise. I quickly got up to engage in combate but i guess they didn't hear me because they were all still there. Lara came down and smacked me in the back of the head.
I whisper yelled. She turned my head to face the foot and covered my mouth. Then some foot members started talking.
"Master shredder is back from Kraang's land. He wants us to go back to new york and that he's found another leader to work with. They're name is-"
I heard a thud behind me which made me loose focus as i felt a pain in my neck. Lara was fainted and-
"Oh sweet cheesy chat."
I said right before i passed out.

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