Chapter 8: Shinobi in New York City

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Venus's POV:
We were just in an Allyway trying not to be seen by humans. Of course we already knew where Tally was because The main junction is well the main junction. We wanted to take a break though, mostly Oliver.
"🎶I can not wait to see Talena Bellańa Stockman. Ooh ooh ooohhhh.🎶
Oliver sang. I rolled my eyes at his childness.
"We should get there as fast as we can."
Moalier said.
"Sure thing bud."
I said taking my middle/index finger, putting it on my forehead and pointing at her and turned around, to go on the roof.
We were in another Ally but this time me and Moalier were arguing. She doesn't really like Lara or Talena but they're like family to me so i won't let this "Samurai" insult my besties infront of me.
"Talena isn't even a good ninja! Why would you want a weak mutant on your team!?"
"Wait what did you just say?"
I snapped. We started walking towards eachother drawing our weapons. Then Oliver separated us.
"Please stop fighting, uh your kind of scaring the human."
We both looked at Ollie then the human.
"Hey aren't you that news girl on TV?"
Oliver said.
"Did you say you knew Talena. As in Talena Stockman?"
The girl said.
"How do you know her."
Moalier said pointing her sword at her. I rolled my eyes and put her sword down.
"Sorry miss but you mean the girl like us but-"
"With a long violet mask that's down."
We said at the same time. I didn't notice but she had two guys with her. A hockey player and an old guy.
"Can you bring us to her!"
Oliver butted in.
"Sure! You guys seem like you're friends."
She said. Well i guess almost half a year, im finally seeing her again. And we followed her to the main junction.
Talena's POV:
I Opened the door to see april and-
"Oh my stars."
"These guys said they knew you?" April said coming in with two other guys. They should be Vern and Casey Jones. I felt like tears were forming in my eyes. I saw Venus. The guys looked shocked.
"Hey Tally long time no see?"
I ran up to her and hugged and we spun around.
"Tally. Haha what has gotten into you!"
Venus said.
"You left me here alone asshole!"
I said punching her on the shoulder.
She said. I hugged her again but gripping her more tightly. I let go wiping my eyes. Then-
"Oliver get your shell off of me!"
I yelled. He didn't stop hugging me so i elbowed him in the stomach. He fell down on his side gripping his stomach.
Me and Venus rolled our eyes. Then i looked at the guys.
"Oh Venus, Oliver, Moalier!"
I said bringing them together.
"I would like you to meet, THE GUYS!"
I said while walking infront of them doing Jazz hands. They looked shocked, especially Venus.
"Uh hi?"
Venus said, pushing Moalier and Oliver to the side.
"Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?"
I said still smiling and lowering my hands a little.
"Oh sweet!"
Mikey said. The boys groaned.
"Hello Ladies and Gentleman. Let me introduce you to me and my awesome and amazing bros!"
Me and Mikey traded spots so now i was next to Donnie. I rolled my eyes at Mikey. Donnie saw me and immediately looked away. I blushed a bit.
"This is Donatello in the purple. He is a genius who is technically a genius!"
Then Donnie rolled his eyes. I laughed a little.
"This is Raphael over here in the red. Hes like a big Cuddly teddy bear... if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent."
I smirked and looked at Raph. He elbowed me in the arm lightly. I snickered.
"This is Leonardo, fearless leader. He's silent but deadly hahaha."
""Seems pretty accurate."
I muttered to Donnie and Raph. Then i saw Vee smile a little. Not gonna lie. Kinda ship it. Oh no I'm starting to sound like Amy with her weird Anime ships. Barf.
"And I'm Michaelangelo signing my signature Orange. Im a triple threat, brains, brawn and obviously a dazzling personality. You can call me Mikey."
He finished facing his head towards us. They looked like they've already experienced this embarrassment.
"I'm done."
Mikey said as quickly as possible putting his hands up and vacking up toward us.
I said nervously smiling.
"So you're the leader?"
Venus asked Leo.
"Oh uh yeah."
Leo said rubbing the back of his head.
Venus said.
"How about you two Talk for a bit while we try to come up with a plan!"
I said pushing Leo and Venus into the Library/discussion room.
"But Tal we're the leader-"
"We will tell you the plan when we're finished alright. MOALIER YOU TOO!"
"what?- HEY!"
I shoved the three of them in the room holding the door closed looking down with my legs and arms spread across the floor and door.
"Hey Tally why did you-"
"Because they might be the leaders but They're plans are shit."
I said walking to my computers again. I sat at my chair.
The Casey guy said.
I said.
"Do you have anything i can punch."
Raph said.
"Yeah up the stairs to your left the middle room is the dojo."
I said.
Him and Mikey left. What?
"Ya we are just gonna go."
Vern and Casey said. Bro what the fu-
"Im just gonna go to my room."
April too huh.
"Im gonna see what these guys got. See you tally!"
He said blowing me a kiss. I rolled my eyes.
"Well i guees it's just you and me Donnie."
Donnie's POV:
So everyone just left me with Talena or Tally. Maybe i can ask her now. But its such bad timing she's looking for a plan to save her friends.
"oh sorry Tally."
She looked at me smiling.
"It's fine. Come."
I went towards her as she pressed a button and another chair almost like hers came out.
She said. Of course i did. The chair was really comfortable.
"Do you like it?"
She asked.
She smiled a bit more. She was cute. I couldn't help but blush but i felt really flustered that I looked away.
"Are you ok Donnie?"
Sorry Tally i just can't help myself.

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