Chapter 2: Meeting The heroes of New York City

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Talena's POV:
April led me to an allyway and went DOWN TO THE SEWERS!? I was honestly disgusted but i have dealt with WAY worse. Once i got in i put my watch on rest mode.

April's POV:
I was so excited because Talena is also a mutant turtle like the guys. Her tech is amazing too! I don't know why but i feel like her and Donnie would be great together. I giggle at the thought. They would be adorable.

~Back with the guys~

Raphael's POV:
I don't trust that Talena girl with April. I might be wrong but she might be working with the Shredder.
"RAPH!! April is here!"
Mikey said.
"Dammit." I thought.

"Hey guys!"
That would be April. I waited a while until i went out. I saw April, Mikey and then- WHAT!? She is a mutant!? HOW!? NO WAY!
"Who the hell are you!?"
I yelled. She stood there blanked face. Kinda pissed me off.
"Who do you think?"
She said unamused.
"Raph this is Talena!"
April said she then whispered something to Talena.
Talena*whisper*:You want to do what?...No April... Good point... fine.
I said.
"This is Talena Stockman!"
April said. Oh now i see why i don't trust her.
"Trust me when i say this, i don't work for the Shredder or any other bad guy."
She said.
"April how do we know we can trust her!?"
I said. She then looked at me like I was stupid or somethin'.
"She saved my life Raph of course we can trust her."
She said. Then Leo came with Donnie behind him. I didn't want to be there anymore anyway.

Donatello's POV:
April said she was coming with her new friend or roomate i guess. But what i saw wasn't what i was expecting. Another mutant turtle. A female to be exact.
"How did- what?"
Leo said. The female mutant giggled. It made me a bit jealous, but why?
"I'm Talena. Talena Stockman."
I asked. She looked at me for a second and said,
"Y-ya. My dad's name is Baxter."
"But Baxter Stockman doesn't have children."
I said. She looked down while her arms were crossed. She then looked back up and said,
"He didn't want my name in the eyes of the public."
She said adjusting her glasses a little. It was kind of cute- wait no. I just met this girl and im already catching feelings!? 'Damn it donnie keep your head out of the clouds.'Leo had already left. Pobably had better things to do while Raph already left and Mikey in the kitchen eating pizza staring at me and Talena. So it was kind of just me, April and Talena.
"Donnie tell Talena about the the things you made! I bet she'd love it!"
April said. I kind of blushed at the thought of a Stockman seeing my stuff.
"Oh i would love to!"
Talena said excitedly. I guess she really like science too.
"Sure thing. Follow me Ms. Stockman."
I said doing a little bow. She laughed a little.
"Please just call me Tally."
I smiled, took out my hand for her to grab it, and led her to my lab/ computer area.

Talena's POV:
Wow donnie is amazing! I still can't believe that there are more mutant turtles! April wasn't kidding when she said i would probably like him. His stuff is really cool, and i honestly think it's better than what i have. When he did a bow and took my hand i blushed a little. No one has ever done that to me before. It felt a bit nice. ^^

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