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Rosés P.O.V.

We get back in the car after our scream session and start riding back home. "Guys, I'm having such a good day I really don't want it to end," Mik says. "Do you guys want to come back to my apartment and watch a movie?" I ask the group.

"But I'm really sweaty and want to take a shower," Kandy whines. "I can bring you guys to your dorm to grab some stuff and you can all shower at my place? We have two showers and I don't think Jan will mind at all." I tell them. "Do we even know where Jan and Jackie went? I mean we all know what they're doing but where?" Mik says, bringing up a good point.

"Okay new plan, Kandy, we'll drop you off at you're building while you grab your stuff, and try to figure out if they're in Jackies dorm. The rest of us will grab our stuff and come back for you, and see if we're in the clear to go back to Rosés?" Denali says. Everyone agrees to this plan, so that's what we do. I stop in front of Kandy's building, letting her out. "I can't take being in the back anymore, let alone the middle," Denali announces, climbing from the back seat to the front seat.

"Hello there," I say to her as she buckles up. "Hi," she says smiling at me, making me blush a little bit. I start driving the car as the other three girls direct me to their building. We arrive and they start to get out. "We'll be right back down." Olivia says, shutting the door. I sit in the car waiting for them, listening to the radio.

A few minutes later, the passenger side door opens to reveal Denali getting back into the car with a little bag. "You move fast," I say to her. "I never know how long the other girls take so I try to move as quick as possible." She says with a smile. I smile back at her, feeling my cheeks heat up once again. I look out the other side of the car trying to hide my blushing cheeks from her. "I saw that," Denali says. I sigh and look back at her, and she giggles at me.

"What kind of music do you want to listen too?" I ask, playing with the radio. "Anything where I can hear you sing," Denali says boldly. "That's the second time you've brought up my singing today," I tell her. "I watched one video of you singing and now I can't stop thinking about your voice, I'm sorry!" She fake apologies, still with that same beautiful smile on her face.

"How about this?" I say, adjusting my body to fully face her. "I will sing for you, anything you want, if we can have a set date to ice skate?" I start, quickly realizing I said 'date.' "Not a date, but a day, you know what I mean."

"Sounds like something I can agree too," she smiles again. She's been smiling a lot since the scream-fest in the woods, and that makes me feel very happy. "I have to work tomorrow from 10-4, would you want to pick me up after my shift? I'll text you the address," Denali says, grabbing my phone out of my lap to put her number in. "Sounds good to me," I tell her. "Sweet. It's a date then," Denali says, looking right at me when she says the word 'date,' fully knowing what she just said.

"It's a date," I say, putting my hand out for her to shake, jokingly. She laughs and puts her hand in mine, sending that same tingling sensation all through my body. We continue to shake hands, until we make eye contact.

I don't break it, and neither does she. I get lost in her chocolately brown eyes, and I don't ever want to look away. I look towards her lips, wanting to kiss them so bad. I feel Denali slowly moving closer to me, and I start moving closer to her. Our lips are just inches apart, sharing the same breath. C'mon Rosé, just kiss her already.

"Kandy said she could her Jan and Jackie all the way down the hall, so I guess we know where they are," Mik says entering the car with Olivia. Denali and I basically jump away from each other. "I guess we can go back to my place then," I say to Mik. I give Denali one last look before starting the car and driving away.

Denalis P.O.V.

"Bitch you're in my seat, get up," Kandy laughs walking towards the car. I get up and go back into the backseat, except with Mik in the middle now. We start driving again and I lean into Mik and whisper, "Something happened." She whips her head towards me and looks at Rosé, and back at me. I nod my head knowing what she's saying. She nudges Olivia on the other side and points at Rosé and then back at me. I roll my eyes as Olivia leans forward to look at me with a confused face.

We arrive back at Rosés apartment, after getting looks from Mik and Olivia every time Rosé opens her mouth. Rosé shows us around the place, pointing out both bathrooms to shower. Mik offers to take the first shower, along with myself. I know she only did that so we can talk in private.

I finish up my shower, dry my body, and toss my hair up in the towel. I throw on a pair of grey sweatpants and and royal blue crop top. I walk out of the bathroom and make my way back to the living room, finding Rosé, Olivia, and Kandy talking. I make eye contact with Rosé and smile, earning a half smile from her.

"Alright well, I'm gonna go shower now," Rosé says, getting up off the couch. She walks out of the room and Olivia says, "Kandy you can have the next shower, I'll go last." She's pretending to just be nice, and I fully know its just so when Mik get outs I can tell them everything that happened. Mik comes in the living room a few minutes later, making Kandy leave to shower.

"We only have a few minutes, tell us everything," Mik says crawling on the couch next to me. Both girls huddle around me as I tell them everything about today. From the hand holding on the hike, to the date we set up, even to the almost kiss afterwards. Both girls stare at me in shock. Mik opens her mouth to say something, just as Rosé walks in, taking the towel off her head and drying her hair.

"What do you guys want to watch tonight?" Rosé asks. "I want to watch a comedy," Olivia says. "I want to watch a romance," Mik says, looking back and fourth between me and Rosé. Rosés face turns bright red. "So a rom-com," I say, trying not to bring attention to Rosé. "Sounds good to me, I'm gonna start getting snacks while you pick out a movie," Rosé says, leaving the room. I follow her out, not even looking back at the other girls.

I find Rosé in the kitchen, reaching up to get some popcorn off the top shelf. Her wet hair falls behind her, making little water droplets on her shoulders, and little wet spots on her pink tank top. She grabs the popcorn and takes it out the box, popping it into the microwave, still not realizing I'm here watching her. I decide to break the silence, even though I could stare at her all day.

"Do you have any MNMs?" I ask. "I'm not entirely sure, you can check that cabinet," Rosé says, pointing at a cabinet across from her. I go to check the cabinet and find MNMs. I turn back around to look at Rosé, who is grabbing a bowl for the popcorn. You are so beautiful I don't understand, I think to myself.

"What?" Rosé says, whippping her head around. "Oh my god, did I say that out loud?" I ask. She blushes and says, "Yeah, yeah you did." I smile back at her and say, "Oops," making her giggle. She pauses and takes a step towards me. I instantly put my hands on her hips, without even a thought. "I just want you to know, every time I'm around you, all I think about is kissing you," she says in a lower voice. "Then why don't you?" I ask her. We lock eyes again, but only for a moment, and then I look down at her lips, and I'm begging them to be on mine.

We both lean in, and hear the microwave ding, letting us know the popcorn is ready, and ruining the moment. I sigh and Rosé steps back from me. I roll my eyes and grab them MNMS from the counter, and go back into the living room.

"That sounded hot," Mik says when I walk back in. "Please stop eavesdropping," I say to her. "I'm thinking Clueless tonight, how does that sound?" Olivia says. "Good for me," Kandy says. Rosé brings us all blankets and snacks. I sit on the bigger couch with Rosé on one side and Mik on the other. Olivia and Kandy sit on the other couch.

About half way through the movie, Jan and Jackie walk into the living room. "Hey bitches," Jackie says. "OOOOO Clueless!" Jan says like a child, running over towards the middle of the floor. "Hey D, I thought you were with Symone tonight?" Jackie asks, sending alarms in my head.

"Um, no. She blew me off to go up a party with Gigi?" I say, trying to remain calm. "Yeah, but she said you were going with her," Jackie said, now confused. Suddenly I feel all eyes on me, and I know everyone is thinking the same thing.

A/N: Thank you for all the love!! I'm not sure how much I'll be updating for the next week, I'll be on a vacation in Hawaii! I'll do my best to throw in a chapter or two while I'm away :) But when I get back I'll be isolating so I'll be writing a lot :)
Thank you again!!! <3

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