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Rosés P.O.V.

The cool air hits my face as I walk into the ice rink. Lots of chatter fills the building. I quickly stop and see Denali, warming up before the competition I quickly catch her eye and she skates over to me.  Her hair is pulled into a high pony, with to strands left out in front, and shes in her black team track suit, in order to hide her costume.

"Hey baby," I say to her. She steps out of the rink slightly to give me a hug, "Hi Rosie." "Are you nervous?" I ask. "I'm really nervous actually, they're are some good skaters here. One of them is so good, Jackie threw up from nerves," she tells me. "Oh lord, is she okay?" I ask. "She is now, but I'm about at the same place as her," Denali says, looking back at the other skaters.

"Hey," I say taking her hand, making her look back to me. "You're gonna kill this, okay? Screw the judges because you are amazing Denali," I tell her. I lean in and kiss her cheek, making her smile slightly. "I'm really glad you're here," she says with a soft smile. "I'm going to go find the rest of the girls, but I love you and you'll do amazing," I say, giving her one last hug. "I love you too," she sighs. I can feel her nerves running through my whole body, I know she doesn't care about the scores, she just wants to do well for her team and Ms.Zamo.

I walk along the seats and see Jan waving to me in a section towards the upper right. I quickly make my way up the stairs and sit down next to Olivia, behind Kandy and Jan. "She shouldn't be performing if she threw up," Jan basically shouts. "Thats all the more reason to shove it in everyone's faces," Olivia says, grabbing Jans shoulder. "Just calm down okay? Jackie wouldn't be doing this if she knew she couldn't," Kandy reassures Jan.

"How's Denali?" Olivia asks. "She's really nervous, I could feel her nerves," I tell them. "Anyone know how Mik is doing?" I ask. "Mik is doing surprisingly well. Her exact words were, 'I'm going to mop the floor with those bitches after annihilate their asses.'" Kandy tells us, making us all chuckle a little bit. "At least one of them is doing okay," Olivia says. I spot the three girls chatting and pointing on the ice. I see Denali back up, "Oh no what are they doing?" I ask. Denali starts skating, and gaining speed, doing a quadruple axel, and nailing it. I start clapping and notice others on the ice eyeing her. She skates back to the girls with a little happiness traveling through each step, making me feel better.

The announcer announces its time for the skaters to leave the ice and get ready. "Have you seen any of their routines?" Kandy asks us. "Jackie showed me her costume but that's all I know," Jan shrugs. "I actually helped Mik with her music, shes doing a fun mix," Olivia tells us. "All Denali told me was that its very high energy, but that's it. She wanted to surprise me," I tell the girls. The lights dim and the show starts. One girl does her routine and it's, well okay.

Mik is announced as the second number. She skates out in a black and white body suit with silver spikes coming out of the wrists. "Oh shes ready to fight," Olivia stares as Mik confidently skates out on the ice. She smirks at the judges and turns around until her music starts. I Love Rocking Roll starts to play as Mik confidently skates around the ice, feeding the judges what the want. She nails every move and her expressions match every lyric playing, even exceeding the standards. The first song ends and fades into Night Crawler, and Mik somehow manages to come even more alive, she's like a little punk rocker out there. She even gets down on the ice and crawls around, and from experience I know its freezing down there. The third song played is Donatella, where Mik's expressions just blow the house down. Even in her spins, shes nailing every second of the routine. I feel my jaw drop at just how much she nailed it. She finishes the routine, and earns a standing ovation from the audience, and of course our little group screams for her. I see Mik's smile form out of the ice, sensing how proud she is of herself, and I can't help but feel so incredibly proud of my friend.

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