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Rosés P.O.V.

R: What time are you out of practice?

D: I should be done by 8 :) You're at the studio tonight, right?

R: I am, do you want to meet over there when you're done?

D: Yes please :) I miss you a lot and I'll be starving, so maybe some dinner?

R: Okay baby, I'll see you then :)

D: Oh no, Ms Zamo is giving me the stink eye, love you Rosie <3

R: I love you too Nali <3

I click my phone off and walk into the dance studio. Spring Break is officially over, and we are heading into our final exams. We've all been studying like crazy, so I haven't seen the group, or Denali, much at all since our vacation. Denali is also preparing for her competition in a week, so she's been at the rink almost everyday, perfecting her solo with Mik and Jackie. It's been about a week since I last saw her in person, but of course we text and FaceTime everyday.

I decided to take a break from 'sit-down' studying tonight, and go to the dance studio and rehearse the few numbers I have to prepare for my Dancing Art Final. I walk into the room we call The Black Box, because it's a black room from floor to ceiling except for the mirrors. Luckily, you can sign up to use the rooms for an hour at a time.

I quickly stretch out, knowing I have limited time. I decide to run my musical theatre number first, it's choreographed for a small group, but I'm making sure I know my parts to stand out. I run that number about three times, making sure everything is perfect. I then move to my ballet number, its a 45 second routine that will be performed in a large group, small group, and as solos, so this one is a bit of a big deal.

I slip my pointe shoes on and tie them up, and warm up my feet by walking around in them for a moment. I run the routine with no music, knowing that I'll have the counts perfected in case anything happens to the music. I rehearse and get to the point in the music with the turn sequence. I try it once, and fall out of the first one. Trying it a second time was better, but still didn't finish right. The third time, I completely fall onto the ground. "Fuck," I sigh out, laying on the ground.

"You need to lock your knee," I hear a voice behind me. I quickly sit up and turn around looking in the direction of the door. I petit girl stands in the doorway, wearing black leggings, a black leotard, and a grey cardigan. She has short black hair, and is wearing very cool eyeliner. "What?" I ask, standing up. "You need to lock your knee, it'll help keep you up stay up longer and push harder, completing the turn," the girl says. I look at her, still confused. "Here," she says. She drops her bag next to the door, and walks over to me.

"Get in prep, and push up locking your knee, but don't turn yet, just push up," she tells me, now standing in front of me. I question her for a moment, but then think about how much I need to ace this. I get into prep and push up, locking my knee, immediately feeling a difference. "Yes! Just like that, now try turning," she tells me, watching me intensely. I nod and do the same thing, now turning, and executing the turn perfectly.

"Yes!" She cheers. I land and smile at her, "Thank you!" I tell her. "What year are you? I've never seen you around here?" She asks. "I'm a freshmen," I tell her. "Oh cool! I'm a senior," she tells me. "I'm Aquaria by the way," she says, putting her hand out to me. "I'm Rosé," I tell her, shaking her hand. "So Rosé, who's final is this?" She asks, moving back to her bag. "Miss Edwards," I tell her. "Oh I remember my first class with her. Trust me, she really enjoys the musical theater much better than the ballet," she informs me.

"Then why does she push the ballet so much?" I ask. "She sees who really wants it, plus is good for technique," she tells me, taking a sip of her water. I nod, agreeing with her. "Oh and just a heads up, she usually has seniors watch the freshmen finals to make it seem like a crowd, but I think its to scare the weak away," she tells me. "Thanks for the heads up, I won't be so nervous when I see them. Are you one of them?" I ask her. "She hasn't asked yet," she tells me. We chat for a few more minutes and remember my time must almost be up. I check my watch and see I'm 30 minutes over the time.

"It's okay, I was the next slot anyways, and I took up two for fun," she says, laughing at my reaction to me realizing the time. "Oh I'm sorry!" I say. I take my shoes off and quickly grab my stuff. "You can stay if you want," she says, putting on some shoes. "I actually need someone to watch one of my numbers. I had to choreograph a solo with multiple styles of dance incorporated into it, do you mind?" She asks, plugging in her phone. I check the time and see I have 15 minutes before I have to meet Denali. "Yeah I can stay and watch," I tell Aquaria. I sit down in front of the giant mirrors as she gets in her starting position.

A mix of Lady Gaga songs plays, remixes and originals. First Rain on Me, then Sour Candy, followed by Replay, and ending with 911. The girl uses every space in the room, in every position she can. From floor work to leaps and turns, incorporating ballet elements and hip hop ones too. She moves so effortlessly, and it's mesmerizing.

She finishes up her routine by laying on the floor, and I hear her breathing heavily, but quickly recovers but getting up when I start clapping for her. "That was so good!" I tell her. "Thanks! I'm even adding in a costume change every time the song changes, just to add it some spice," she laughs, then takes a sip of her water. "Any critiques?" She asks. "I don't think so," I think, "Oh wait! During 911, you can see yourself thinking about the next move," I tell her. "See that part of the song stresses me out, so it makes sense. Thank you," she smiles. "You're welcome. I have to go now, I'm meeting my girlfriend over at the rink," I tell her.

"Before you go, can I have your number?" She asks. I give her a puzzled look, knowing I just said 'girlfriend.' "It's not like that? I could use someone fresh eyes to help me out," she says. "Oh yeah, sure!" I tell her. I put my number in her phone and text myself so I have her number. "I'll see you around Rosé!" She says as I head out the door. I wave goodbye to her and make my way to the rink to see Denali.

I walk quickly to the rink, knowing I'll be a few minutes late. I see the building and see Denali's figure standing by the door, talking to what seems to be Mik and Jackie. It amazes me that every time I see Denali my heart still races. I get closer and Denali notices me. "Hi Rosie!" Denali yells excitedly. I smile at her, she says bye to Jackie and Mik, who both wave at me, and she runs over. "Hi baby," I say as she gets closer. She kisses me immediately, very excited.

"I missed you so much," she says after kissing me, and hugging me tight. "I missed you too. It's really weird, not seeing you for almost a week," I say, squeezing her, not wanting to let go of her. "I know I'm just seeing you but can I please stay in your apartment tonight? I miss sleeping next to you," Denali says, pulling away from me. "You don't even have to ask," I tell her. She smiles and I pull her in for another kiss.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask her, knowing she's starving. "Pizza, for sure," she says immediately. I giggle at her response and take her hand, tugging her along to the car. We giggle almost all the way to the car, we're just so happy to be back with each other. In the car, she holds my hand tightly, and it makes me happy. I rub the side of her hand with my side. We drive to the pizza place, picking up a simple pepperoni pizza and some chips.

"Rosie?" Denali asks once we get back to the apartment. "Yeah baby?" I ask, setting the pizza down on the table. "Can we eat in your bed and watch a movie?" She asks with puppy dog eyes. I laugh, "Of course we can." She smiles like a kid and runs into my room, leaving me behind. I giggle and grab the pizza and chips, making my way to my room. Denali is going through my clothes, probably because she forgot hers.

"I'm stealing this," she laughs, grabbing one of my light pink hoodies, and stripping down so shes only wear that and black underwear. I quickly change into a tank top and sweatpants. We climb into my bed, and find a movie to watch while Denali munches on some pizza. "Ooo! Monsters Inc!" Denali cheers. "You're the perfect girl," I tell her as I put on Monsters Inc. She laughs and takes another bite of pizza.

We finish up the pizza and put the box on the floor. Denali puts her head on my chest, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her in close. "Not being next to you every night makes me sad," Denali says. "I know baby, I miss you so much when you're not here," I tell her. She pushes up and kisses me on the lips. "What am I going to do without you all summer? I can't just stay on campus," she groans. I'm sadden by the thought of her leaving for the whole summer. Then, I get an idea.

"Denali, do you like it here? Like, in the apartment?" I ask her. "Of course I do, you're here and I love Jan like a sister," she says, staring at the screen. "Well, do you want to move in with us?" I ask. Her head shoots up off my chest, locking eyes with me, but not giving an answer.

Butterflies *Rosénali*Where stories live. Discover now