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Denalis P.O.V.

"Can you zip me up?" I ask Mik. Mik walks over and zips up the back of my dress, feeling it get tighter around my body. "You look so gorge," Mik says. I decided to wear a fitted pink velvet dress with the sleeves laying just below my shoulders. I left my blonde hair down and put on a pair of silver glittery heels. "Thanks for helping me pick this out, I want to look really good for Rosé," I tell her. "Girl please, shes practically drooling over you every time she sees you, you always look good in her eyes," Mik tells me, laughing a little bit.

"Do you know where shes taking you?" Mik asks. "I'm not sure, she just said she'd see me tonight," I tell her, shrugging my shoulders. I run a brush through my hair one more time, and fluff it. "Denali, don't be nervous," Mik says. She can see right through me, I'm so nervous, but I don't know why. "It's not like I'm going on a blind date, and its not the first time I've been alone with Rosé, so why am I nervous?" I ask her.

"Because you like her a lot," Mik says. "I really do, and I just don't want to mess things up with her because I like her so much," I tell her, sitting down on my bed. "And that's why you're nervous," Mik starts, "You're nervous because you don't want to mess things up. You just had a relationship that wasn't super great and now you have one in front of you that you want to be different." She really has a point. I want to have a future with Rosé, and not have it end so bad, or even end at all. I really care about this thing we have.

My thoughts are interrupted with a knock at the door. I get up and check the peep hole, seeing a gorgeous Rosé at the door. I excitedly open it. I'm greeted with Rosé looking stunning. Her pink hair is half pulled back with the rest falling on her shoulders, where she wears a shorter red dressed slicked to her skin, which has one strap around her shoulder.

"Wow," I say looking her up and down. "I was gonna say the same thing," she tells me. I giggle and look back to her face, "Hi Rosie." "Hi Nali," she says, revealing a bouquet of flowers from behind her back. "Rosie, you didn't have too," I say, accepting them. I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek. "It felt appropriate, first date and all," she laughs nervously. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I walk back into my dorm and set them on my desk. "Damn Rosé you look hot," Mik says from her side of the room. I slap her shoulder and she says, "Ow! I didn't mean it like that." Rosé laughs, I laugh too, before giving Mik a look. She shrugs and sits down.

"Do you want to get going, Nali?" Rosé asks me. I nod, walking over to her. "Bye, Mik, I'll see you when I get back," I say shutting the door. I look at Rosé and her beauty, and put my hand in hers. "So what are we doing?" I ask as we start to walk down the hall. "I was thinking maybe some dinner first? I have's eaten since breakfast this morning," she tells me. "I like that idea, dinner is an easy way for me to look at you," I say, making her cheeks turn bright pink. I smile as we head down the stairs and out of the building.

"Oh shit, I forgot something," Rosé says before we get to the car. "What did you forget?" I ask. She wraps her hands around my waist and plants a kiss on my lips. "That," she says. I roll my eyes and push her away, "you're the dumbest person I've ever met." I say sarcastically, and the laughing while I get in the car. "You liked it, don't lie to me," Rosé says, almost flirting with me. I let her get in the car, and then I place my hand on her cheek, kissing her back. "Meh, its okay I guess," I say, teasing her. She rolls her eyes and laughs.

We drive to wherever Rosé is planning on taking me for dinner. In the car we listen to some music, and Rosé sings along to a lot of the love songs, making me feel butterflies again. The butterflies almost exploded when she put her hand on my thigh. I was excited, nervous, happy, and had that throwing up feeling all at once, but I kind of loved it.

We pull into a cute little Italian restaurant. Rosé quickly jumps out of the car and runs over to my door, opening it for me. I laugh and get out of the car. "You know you don't have to do that, right?" I tell her. "I know, I just like doing stupid things," she says with a cheesy smile on her face. I laugh and follow behind her to the restaurant. Rosé greets the hostess and tells her we have two in out party, and then we follow the waitress to our table.

Butterflies *Rosénali*Where stories live. Discover now