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Denalis P.O.V.

I stare at Rosé, processing what she just asked me. Do you want to move in with me? The question plays over and over in my head. I feel shocked, but I also feel happy.

"Nali?" Rosé asks, realizing I've gone silent. "Yes," I say to her, smiling. "You want to move in?" Rosé asks excitedly. My smile grows from ear to ear. "Yes Rosie! I want to move in with you," I say gladly. Her whole face lights up, and tackles me in a hug and lots of little kisses on my cheeks. "Rosie," I laugh. "I love you so much," she giggles while kissing my cheeks. "I love you too," I giggle. She stops kissing me and looks at me in the eyes with a soft smile, then laying a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss, feeling her smile right up against mine.

"I love you a lot, I hope you know that," Rosé says, still laying on top of me. "I know Rosie, I love you too," I smile at her, running my hands through her hair. She pecks my lips one more time, and stares into my eyes. "I can't wait for you to live here," she says. "Me too," I smile again, feeling true happiness. This time, Rosé cuddles into me. She puts her head on my chest and I play with her hair, kissing her forehead every few minutes. Soon, we fall asleep like that.

*One Week Later*

Rosés P.O.V.

Beep Beep Beep

I slowly open my eyes and turn my head in the direction of my alarm going off. "Turn it off," Denali mumbles. I grab my phone, and quickly hit snooze. I roll back over and pull Denali into me, who is facing away from me. I quickly kiss her cheek and put my head back down on the pillow. "Good morning Nali," I say to her. "Good morning Rosie," she yawns. "We have to get up soon," I mumble. "I know, but I like starting the morning with you holding me," she says, making me smile, pulling her in tighter. We drift on into sleep for a few more minutes, until my alarm goes off again.

I kiss Denali one more time and roll out of bed. Today is my final for Dancing Art, I'm so nervous. I heard Miss Edwards is critiquing extremely hard. This will go on my resume, if I can be shown as a triple threat with theatre, singing, and dance, it will be life changing. I've been meeting with Aquaria every night since I met her, practicing and rehearsing for hours. We've actually gotten close just by these dance meets.

"Rosie," Denali says while I finish slicking my hair back into a tight bun, "Why are you so nervous?" "I'm not nervous," I tell her. "Whenever you're nervous you bite your cheek," Denali tells me. I then realize I'm biting the inside of my cheek, I guess she's right. "I just really want to impress Miss Edwards, shes grading really hard, and they're will be an audience of seniors watching me. I just really don't want to fail," I tell her. Denali knows I want to be great, and she's willing to help me get there.

"Hey, come here," she says, opening up her arms. I get up from my stool and let her pull me into a hug, rubbing her hand along my back. "You're going to amazing, you've worked so hard its just bound to be great," she says. Her words make me feel better. I pull away and she kisses each cheek, my nose, and a soft one on my lips, making me giggle. "Do you feel better, or do you need more love?" Denali laughs. "I think maybe a little bit more," I laugh, pulling her into a deep kiss.


"Bye Rosie, I love you! You're going to be amazing!" Denali says, getting out of my car. I smile and pull away, making my way to the parking lot of the dance center. I get out of my car, grab my bag, and head in. I wait with the fellow dancers in the hallway. I take off my sweatshirt, sweatpants, and sneakers, leaving my in my black leotard and pink tights. I quickly stretch out, making sure I'm all warmed up. I finish and slip on my shoes for the musical theatre number, knowing its first.

"Kameron, Ginger, Trixie, and Rosé." Miss Edwards walks out of the room, calling our names. My group makes the way into the room, I make sure to look at professional as possible. I glance to the group of seniors talking and looking at papers, catching Aquarias eye, releasing all my stress. She gives me a small wave and I nod at her, not breaking my professionalism.

I quickly get into my position, keeping a bright smile on my face. The music starts and I start moving, making eye contact with everyone, just like Aquaria said. I hit every move perfectly, and my expressions are spot on. I catch Miss Edwards watching me in the middle of the number, boosting my confidence. The number finishes up and the group claps for us. I see Aquaria smile at me, and we quickly head out the door.

First number, done! I feel great! I even caught Miss Edwards watching me :)

I hit send as I update Denali. I take my shoes off and quickly change into my pointe shoes, and warm up once again. I mark out the routine in my head, before I hear my group get called once again. I run in and make sure I'm in the front so I can be seen.

We run the as a group once, and I nail my turn, locking my knee. I see Aquaria do a little air pump, I know shes proud of me. I kept my expressions uplifted and appropriate for the routine. "Good job ladies, however one of you had something that I want everyone else too see. Rosé do you mind doing the dance by yourself?" Miss Edwards asks. I feel my heart in my throat, the nerves hitting me once again. I quickly nod and everyone leaves me to watch.

I see all eyes on me, making me so nervous. You're going to be amazing, I hear Denali's voice in my head making me a little less nervous. I hit the position and hear the music starting, and start to move. About six seconds later, the music starts skipping, and I panic, but don't stop. The music soon completely shuts off, leaving me to counting in my head. I don't let it affect me, I still hit every move with Aquarias critiques, and my facials are still the same.

I hit the final move with no music, and everyone cheers and claps for me. I smile and quickly bow, and everyone continues to clap, making me extremely happy. "Good job, I'm very impressed," Miss Edwards tells me. "Thank you," I tell her, while still catching my breath. She dismisses us and I run back over to my bag, grabbing my phone to text Denali.

"That was amazing!" I hear Aquaria from behind me. I turn around, instantly smiling. "Did that really happen?" I laugh. "Yes it did! And you were incredible!" Aquaria says. I put my hand on my forehead, still not believing it happened. "She doesn't just shout out anyone to do that," she tells me. "I seriously couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so-" I get cut off by the feeling of Aquarias lips on mine. I quickly flinch away.

"I-I'm so sorry," Aquaria panics. "I-um. I have to go," I tell her. I grab my things and leave the building, still in my same attire. I get in my car, not knowing what to do.

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