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Rosés P.O.V.

Hey Nali, I had a really great time today :)

I tapped send on the screen of my phone, smiled, and got out of my car, heading up to the apartment.



I look away from my laptop to check my phone, "It's me," Jan says before I can even pick up my phone. I turn my eyes back to my computer to continue writing my paper. Every Sunday night, Jan and I do our all of our homework together, and catch up with each other on the weeks we haven't spent much time together.

"Oh my god," Jan says, looking right at me. I give her a puzzled look and hear my phone go off as well. I pick it up and read the text message I received from Mik.

Symone and Denali broke up. Symone cheated, and Denali is really upset. Please don't ask her about it because I don't know how she'll react, it's really getting to her.

I look up in shock, meeting Jans expression. "They broke up," we both say, just at the same time. I feel a smile start to creep up my face, knowing I finally had a chance with Denali. "You better wait until she's ready," Jan says. "Of course I will! She was just hurt, she needs time, and I'm willing to wait for her." I tell her. Jan smiles at me and nods. "When she is ready though, I'm not ready for how much you two will be all over each other," Jan says, and then proceeds to make kissy noises. "Oh shut up," I laugh and throw a pillow at her head.


The next week went by very slow.

On Monday, I had lunch with the group, excluding Denali. Mik told us she needed the day off to calm down.

On Tuesday, I saw Denali in passing. I gave her a half smile and waved to her. She returned the way and kept walking. Later in the day I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and read:

I had a great time too :)

Reading that one line makes my heart flutter.

On Wednesday, I saw Symone holding hands with a ginger girl, and it took every bit of me not to say something.

On Thursday, I didn't see anyone except for Jan and Jackie, who had date night at the apartment.

It's finally Friday. Friday is the night that the whole group hangs out, and they always do. The only exceptions are work and mandatory school events. Part of me excited to see the girls and get out to do something, but the other part of me is just excited to see Denali. I miss being around her so much. I really think I've fallen for her.

"Jan, do you know what we're doing tonight?" I yell to her while rummaging through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. "Jackie said we're going bowling and then getting pizza afterwards," I hear her shout from the next room over. I take out a plain black crop top, a pair of ripped up jeans, and a pair of black and white checkered vans. I run a brush though my red curls, and meet Jan in the kitchen.

"Do we have to pick anyone up?" I ask. "I don't think so, no one said anything to me about it," Jan says shrugging. We both leave the apartment and jump in the car, listening to Jans playlist. We pull into the parking lot of the bowling alley and see a group of girls standing by the door, laughing and talking. I recognize each one of them as my friends. It feels really good to call them my friends.

We get out of the car and walk up to the group, giving hugs all around. I go to hug Denali, and she squeezes me tight. "I'm glad you're here, I missed you a lot," She whispers in my ear. The words she says makes my heart start racing, and I squeeze her tight as well. "I missed you too," I whisper back. I feel my cheeks start to heat up. I try to hide my face in her neck, only to smell her lavender perfume, making me feel warm inside. I feel her grip tighten around me.

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