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*Months Later*

Rosés P.O.V.

"Merry Christmas Rosie," I hear Denali say as she lays directly on top of me. "Merry Christmas Nali," I groan awake. I peak my eyes open to see her smiling at me, and I can't help my grin at how adorable she is. I lift my head and peck her lips with mine.

Denali has been officially moved in since a week after the skating competition. Jan also moved out right before the new school year, she got her own place with Jackie. Denali convinced me to let Mik move into our spare room, as if I was going to say no. I do miss Jan, but we see each other at least 3 times a week between classes and our hang outs with the group.

Denali quickly gets up off of me as I start to cuddle her. "Wait, where are you going?" I ask. "It's a surprise," she giggles and runs out of the room. "But its Christmas! I want my cuddles!" I laugh. I hear another giggle followed by the sounds of pots and pans clanging. I shake my head and roll over to scroll through my phone, seeing Merry Christmas texts from my family. We celebrated at a small party with them last night. Denali saw her family for Hanukkah already, I couldn't make it because I was busy assisting Miss Edwards classes. Since my final exam, she asked me to assist her classes as a demonstrater. I had to say yes of course.

About 30 minutes later, I hear Denali's footsteps run back into the room and jump on the bed. I click my phone off and giggle at her. She tucks herself under the covers again and says, "I have 25 minutes." She wraps her hands around my waist and adjusts herself to be face to face with me. "Hi baby," I say to her. "Hi Rosie," she says back. I wrap my hands around her too so our bodies are messily intertwined.

"Do you know when everyone is coming over today?" She asks me. "I'm guessing sometime this afternoon. Kandy and Olivia were both doing Christmas morning at their parents. And Jan and Jackie said they would be here around 4, and Mik is probably going to sleep until then," I laugh. "Oh, Mik's not home," Denali tells me, surprising me slightly. "She stayed at her parents last night for Kade, he was begging her to stay," she continues. "Awe that's cute, I'm so glad she could see him," I say. "Me too," she agrees.

We quickly get lost in each other's eyes, which still sends butterflies through me too this day. It's been a little over a year, but she still makes everyday feel like the first. I lean in and kiss her softly. "You know, Rosie, we are home alone," Denali says, smirking at me. I quickly get the message and jump on top of her, sending her into giggles as I kiss down her body.

"What did you cook?" I ask, getting out of the bed. "Cookies!" Denali says excitedly as she slips her shorts back on. "For breakfast?" I laugh. "It's Christmas, its okay," she smiles, and runs towards the kitchen. I softly laugh at her adorable-ness and follow behind her. I walk in to see her taking them out of the oven. "Hey, while we wait for those too cool, can we do our presents? I just want it to be us," she smiles. "Of course, baby," I say. She takes my hand and we walk into the living room.

I got Denali a few things, a new sweatshirt, some skating stuff she asked for, a few bath bombs, but the thing I most excited for is the promise ring I bought her. A few weeks ago, we went to a jewelry store to find things for our moms, and I saw Denali looking at a ring. It had a silver band with a bunch of little blue crystals forming a butterfly in the middle of it, and I knew I had to get it for her. I had the band engraved to have our initials, R+D. I just really hope she likes it.

I get up of the couch, pushing all the wrapping paper out of my way, and grab the little box that I tucked away so she wouldn't see it. Denali starts clapping, making me laugh. "Before I give this too you," I start, sitting back down, meeting her eyes, "I love you more than anything in this world, Denali. I have never been so happy in my life other than when I'm with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I don't see it any other way. I want to be with you until the end." I quickly wipe a tear away from my eye. "Since the day I met you, my whole world has changed for the better. And we have fought through everything that life threw at us. Still, to this day, it feels like I just me you. I still get flustered and feel my heart in my throat when I kiss you. When I look into your eyes, I still feel this feeling in my body, almost like-"

"Butterflies," Denali says cutting me off. "Yeah, like butterflies," I smile. She quickly turns away from me, and grabbing something from behind the pillow, and revealing it to be a small box exactly the same size as the one in my hands. We both let out a soft laugh and exchange boxes. She meets my eyes, "If this is what I think it is," and lets out another soft giggle. We both rip off the wrapping paper and see two little black boxes in our hands. I open mine to see its a matching ring to what I got her, and its identical, down to the engraving, except mine has pink instead of blue. We look at each other and laugh. I put my head on the back of her neck and pull her into a kiss.

"I was looking at it in the store and I immediately thought of you, and I had to buy it. I went back the store the next day and got it customized to pink because its your favorite color. But, I got the butterfly because it's what you make me feel and what you've made me feel since the first day I met you. Obviously the R and the D are our initials, but I wanted to make a promise to you that I'll always be here for you because I love you, Rosé, just so much. I'm surprised my heart hasn't exploded because of how much I love you," Denali giggles. I lean in and wipe the single tear from her cheek.

"I'm so lucky to have you," I tell her. We both smile and kiss each other, this time soft, but long and passionate. "Can we be cheesy and put it on each other's finger," she laughs. I laugh too, "Of course baby." We both slide the rings on each other fingers. I look at her and kiss her one more time.

"So are butterflies our thing now?" I ask. "Of course they are, we should have a butterfly themed wedding," she says, getting off the couch. "Wedding?" I ask, excitedly. "Yeah, but I'm just thinking for now," she smiles. "C'mon, the cookies have to be cooled down now," she says, pulling me off the couch. I look at our hands together as she drags me to the kitchen, and see our two little butterflies right next to each other.

A/N: Wow I'm way sadder than I thought I would be for the end of this :,( THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I never would've thought I would receive so much love on this, its almost overwhelming BUT THANK YOU! Again, I'm really say this is over, but it's not the last of me dolls :) I have another Rosénali fic! It's called Fallen and you can find it right on my page :) And who knows, this story might not even be over, but we'll just have to wait and see. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH <333

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