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Denalis P.O.V.

I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts about Symone. Why did she lie to me? Why did she lie to Jackie? What is she up to? Is this why we've been growing apart? Whatever it is, I need to know. It's not like I've been the greatest girlfriend either. I just feel something with Rosé that I don't feel with Symone, and I want it. As much as I'm feeling hurt by Symone, I don't want to hurt her. Is that even right? I don't know anymore. I know I want Rosé, but its really not the right time, or maybe it is.

Rosés P.O.V.

I pull into the address Denali texted. It's a cute little 50s diner, called Dana's. I park my car and wait for a second before going in.

After Jackie and Jan got home last night, Denali was off after hearing about Symone. We finished the movie and the girls left immediately afterwards. Of course I had to catch Jan up on everything that had happened. "Just don't do anything until she figures out things with Symone," was her advice. I do agree, but it's hard. Today I will try to make it a friend thing rather than a date, no matter how much I want it to be a date.

I walk in the door and immediately see Denali. Her brown hair is curled and pulled back with a red head band around her head, and a red and white striped dress that's fitted at the top and poofed out around the skirt. She sees me and smiles. She finishes up her table, and makes her way over to me with a smile growing on her face, making my stomach flutter with joy.

"Do you just skate everywhere?" I ask her, noticing of the roller skates on her feet. "Hey, its a skill that helps me get a job," she giggles. I laugh too, admiring how cute she looks in her uniform. "I only have one more table and they just have to pay. I'll change and then come right out, okay?" She tells me. "Sounds great to me," I tell her. We smile at each other one more time, and turn away, going in separate directions. It's going to be really hard to make this a friendly thing.

Denali comes out a few minutes later, now wearing a red fitted leotard, black leggings, and black zip up hoodie. She climbs into the passenger seat next to me, greeting me with a "Hi," and a smile I could die for. "Hello," I say to her, smiling back. I feel so nervous, I have been since I told her I wanted to kiss her.

We ride along in the car, listening to music and just making small talk. After about 15 minutes later, we get to the skate rink. Denali walks me in, and grabs me a pair of skates. She shows me how to lace them up and takes me on the ice.

"Denali, there's no one else here?" I say to her. "Yeah, free skate is Friday night, so Sundays are usually barren. It's mostly just team members coming to practice," she says. She grabs my hands, and leads me on the ice. "The most important thing to remember is bending your knees," she says. I nod and bend my knees as she starts gliding me slowly across the rink. I start giggling, making her giggle as well. "Rosie, you're doing it!" She says excitedly.

"Rosie? I've never heard that one before," I tell her. "I don't really know where that came from, but I kinda like it. Rosie," she says smiling at me. "That's not fair, I need a nickname for you!" I tell her. "Well everyone calls me D, so you can call me that," she tells me. "I don't really like that, it's not original," I say to her. "Let me think about it." "Alright, Rosie," she smiles at me one more time, making me blush when she says 'Rosie.' I actually really like that name.

"Let's speed up a little bit," She says, pulling me a little bit faster. She starts showing me a few motions with me feet to keep me going. Next thing I know, our skates collide, sending us down on the ice. I fall on top of Denali, who just laughs.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay," I say, pushing myself up so I'm not directly on top of her. She keeps laughing, "It's okay, it happens all the time." I calm down instantly and laugh with her. Our laughs calm down and we make eye contact again, letting the silence happen. Neither of us breaking the moment, I think about kissing her all over again. We continue to lay on the ice, not even caring how cold it is, because she keeps me so warm.

"We have to stop doing this," Denali says, breaking the silence. "You're very right," agreeing with her. I push myself off of her and help her up. She clears her throat and says, "I just have a few more things I want to teach you, okay?" I nod. The rest of the time flies by quick. I learn how to skate on my own, and she even showed me how to do a little spin!

"I think we're good for the day," she says as we skate over to the door. "I just really want to run my solo super fast, is that okay with you?" "Only if I can watch," I tell her. I she laughs. "Do you mind just hitting play when I tell you too?" I nod, and take her phone. She skates away to the middle of the rink and gives me a thumbs up to hit play.

When I Grow Up by the Pussycat Dolls starts playing as she starts dancing and bouncing around, and just being absolutely mesmerizing. She starts skating around, gliding flawlessly, right before doing a backflip. My jaw drops, a backflip on ice!? The continues to move seamlessly across the ice, leaping and turning. The song finishes up and my jaw stays dropped.

"How was that?" Denali asks skating over. "How was that? Nali you're amazing!" I say, basically yelling at her. "You really think so? I feel like I actually have a shot at winning the solo category," she says leaving the rink. I follow behind her, "Oh for sure you do! You just did a back flip on ice!" "That usually how people react when they see it," she chuckles. "Seriously, amazing job," I repeat to her. She smiles at me while taking off her skates. I take mine off and put my shoes back on. "So is Nali my nickname now?" She asks as we leave the rink. "Yeah, I kinda like it, Nali," I say smiling at her as we walk.

Denalis P.O.V.

My heart flutters every time I sneak a peek at Rosé while she driving. Every time the street light hits her face, she's basically radiating. I continue to keep admiring her beauty before my phone dings. I open up the text message too see its from Symone.

Can we talk now?
Attachment: 1 Photo

I click on the photo and see a picture of the inside of the ice rink. I zoom in to see Rosé lying on top of me in the middle of the rink, and our faces are just inches apart.


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