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Denalis P.O.V.

I walk hand in hand down the hallway with Rosé, following behind the rest of the girls. We just had a group dinner, and now everyone is about to do their own things for the night. Some girls are going swimming, others are staying in and resting, but I have certain plans for me and Rosé. I didn't tell her my plans, but I think she has the same ones as me as she had her hands all over me at dinner.

We ride up the elevator, and I turn to hug Rosé, but only to hide the tiny kisses I plant along her shoulders. I feel smirk grow on her face as she runs her hands down my back, placing them right above my butt. I hear the elevator ding and take myself off the girl, re grabbing her hand, and tugging her behind me while we follow the others. We quickly say goodnight to everyone else and rush to our room, Rosé tugging me along this time. She fumbles with the key card, and lets us into our room. I walk into the room first, and Rosé shuts the door behind us.

I instantly push Rosé against the door, with my hands on either side of her head. She looks at me with a smirk, "Feeling feisty tonight?" She asks. "I prefer spicy," I say raising an eyebrow. She smirks, and I crash my lips into hers, kissing intensely.


Rosé P.O.V.

I lift my head back up out of the pillow and look to Denali who is laying naked on top of me. "Hi baby," I say to her, kissing her nose. "Was that good for you?" Denali asks me, with a huge grin on her face. I put my hands behind her head and say, "I was with you, so it was already amazing," and lay soft, long kiss on her lips.

I kiss Denali, just because I really want to. I smile into the kiss until Denali pulls away. "I like kissing you, did you know that?" She giggles and pecks my lips on more time. She slides off my body and falls next to me, laying on her stomach. "I want ice cream?" I say out loud. "Awh cute, I remind you of ice cream," Denali says sarcastically. I look at her and laugh, seeing her beautiful smile reach from cheek to cheek.

"You're an idiot, I love you," I say, letting the words slip out of my mouth. I freeze up, not knowing what to do next. Denali looks at me in shock, with her mouth wide open. We stay quiet for a minute until she says, "I really thought I would have been the one to slip up," she laughs. "You had me scared I said it to soon!" I laugh, pushing her a little bit. She laughs and sits up, facing me. "I love you too, Rosie," she says. My heart jumps as she says that, making me explode with happiness. I reach up, and kiss her, so many times.

"Ice cream?" She says, pulling away from me, making me laugh. "Yes," I laugh. She continues to smile, making me smile, its just so contagious. "We should probably put something on though, she laughs, I forgot we were both completely naked. She quickly runs to the bathroom, grabbing to bathrobes for me and her. I get out of the bed and throw the robe on.

I see Denali messing with her hair a little bit, and she just looks so adorable while she does it. I walk over and wrap my arms around her hips from behind, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I smile, "I love you, Nali." She blushes immediately, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you say that." Denali turns around and quickly kisses me.

We make our way downstairs to get ice cream, which happens to be by one of the pools, so we wore flip flops, but kept our robes on. We wait in line to order the ice cream, and Denali holds on to my arm, resting her head on my shoulder. "Are you tired baby?" I ask her. "I little bit, I got a little tuckered out," she says, lifting her head to wink at me. I laugh and she rests her head back down on my shoulder. "When we get back up we can go to bed, okay?" I ask her and she nods. "Thank you for getting ice cream with me," I giggle, and she lifts her head to peck my lips again. "I would never say no to ice cream," she giggles.

We step ahead, ordering our ice cream. I got a soft served vanilla in a dish with rainbow sprinkles, and she got a chocolate vanilla twist in a dish. I find some empty chairs by the pool, and watch the sun start to set. As we eat our ice cream we hear to familiar voices.

"You guys look you had some fun tonight," Mik says sarcastically, walking in front of us. I practically choke on my ice cream, not expecting Mik to say that. Olivia laughs as Denali's face turns bright red. "Um yeah, we uh, wrestled," Denali says, trying to find a way to cover things up. "You're horrible at this," I laugh, so does Mik and Olivia. "Do you guys have plans the rest of the night? We were thinking of going to the arcade across the street, wanna come?" Olivia asks.

"Not tonight guys, sorry, I'm very tired tonight. But tomorrow night?" Denali asks. "Yeah? Tired from wrestling?" Mik laughs, making Denali bright red again. I cant help but laugh this time. "Stop it," Denali giggles, slapping my arm. "Yes, tomorrow night," Olivia laughs. "We'll see you guys tomorrow," Mik says walking off. We wave goodbye and continue to eat our ice cream while watching the sunset.

Denali and I finish our ice cream and take a quick walk around the lit up pool areas that are no longer running. It's very peaceful, but walking around in the quiet. "Hey Rosie?" Denali asks, shyly. "Yeah Nali?" I ask. "Do you see a future with us?" She asks, almost scared. "Of course I do," I reassure her. "That makes me happy," she sighs of relief. "Does it?" I laugh.

"Rosie, these three months we've been together have been some of the best of my life, and I really love you and I don't want to lose you," Denali admits. I feel myself smile ear to ear. "You won't ever lose me, I'm kinda attached to you," I joke. She stops in her tracks, leaving a kiss on my cheek.

We make our way back to our room. We both take a shower and put clothes back on. "Are you wearing my shirt?" I ask Denali while I crawl into the bed. I look at her shirt and notice its my black oversized t-shirt. "It is, I wanted to wear it because it's comfy, plus I don't have to wear pants with it," she winks, making me laugh. "Well that's not fair! I want to wear something of yours!" I jokingly whine well get back out of the bed. "I mean you could wear this," Denali says. I turn around and see her holding up her lingerie from earlier, making me laugh.

"You're so stupid," I say, going through her drawers. I take out a blue cropped hoodie with little snowflakes on it. I take my shirt off over my head, earning a look from Denali, and quickly putting the sweatshirt on. "Yeah, I'm keeping this," I tell her, making her laugh. I smile and we both climb into the bed. Denali and I have slept next each other so many times now, we just know the position like the back of our hands. I wrap my arms around shoulder, and she lays her head on my chest, and we intertwine our legs. Usually if one of us flips over we still manage to cuddle each other.

"Good night Rosie, I love you," Denali says, kissing my hand. "Good night Nali, I love you more," I say, kissing her head. "Oh we're starting this already?" she laughs. I laugh too and kiss her one more time before turning the light off.

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