Chapter 3

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I finally have some downtime, no fights, just time to relax. I wake up late, around noon, then head to a local Dunkin' Donuts down the street. I walk since it's so close and I don't feel like driving.

"Good morning, ma'am," the lady behind the counter greets me as I walk up to her.

"Good morning. Um, iced coffee. Cream and sugar, please," I gently order her.

She nods and walks away to make my drink, returning a few minutes later with my coffee. I pay and leave the shop. I don't have a plan for today so I figure I'll just walk around for a bit. I live pretty close to the Hudson River so I walk just a few blocks west and eventually reach the water. I consider walking to the pier nearby but decide against it simply because I don't feel like it.

On my stroll back home, I feel my phone buzz in the pocket of my jeans.

"Hello?" I ask into it.

"Cal, hey."

"Hey, what's up?" I answer Cam.

"I hate to do this to you on your down-week. I know you love your free time. But there's this huge opportunity tomorrow night. If you win, 20,000 in your pocket. It's a huge deal. I think you should go. But if you want to go, you have to let me know, like, right now so I can put your name in. The spots are limited." His voice is full of excitement.

"Holy shit! $20,000?!" I almost yell.

"Yeah. I know money is tight. I say go for it. You're an amazing fighter."

"Okay, okay. Yeah. Put me in!"

"Really? Okay, great! I'll see you tomorrow night then. I'll send you the details when I have them. Bye!"

He ends the call before I can say bye but that's fine. A huge smile is plastered on my face. $20,000 is a lot of money. I'll be able to do so much with that much. I do have to prepare for it though. For that amount of money, there's no way I'm going to win easily.

On my walk to my apartment's door, I remember that girl June. Her words play in my head. "Text me when you have your next fight, I'd love to be there."

In my room, I dig through my nightstand drawer to find the little ripped paper with her number on it.

Me: Hey, it's Callie Atwood. Just wanted to let you know I have a huge fight tomorrow. Would love it if you came. I can give you a lift if needed.

Minutes later, I get a response.

Juniper Cherry: Hey! I would love to watch your fight. If you give me a ride in that dope car of course:)

Me: Sounds like a plan. I'll see you tomorrow.


On the way out of my apartment the next day, I grab my keys, wallet, and dog tag off of the table. Time to pick up June.

"Hey!" I greet her as she's sitting down in my car.


"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. I'm excited to watch you fight. Just out of curiosity, how big is this fight?"

"Well... there's a $20,000 reward if I win so it's big. Cam sent me the details and it's nothing like I've ever done before. Bigger crowds, trained fighters, more rounds. I have my doubts about if I'll actually win but I guess we'll figure that one out soon enough," I chuckle, earning one from her as well.

20 minutes later, we arrive at the match and there's a long line of cars along the side of the busy road. We can hear the bass of the music from here. Luckily, I left early enough so I don't have to worry about being late.

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