Chapter 15

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I've been rushing around a lot today. It's been crazy hectic. I felt it was time to start moving into the compound officially so it's a lot of driving back and forth with some stuff from my apartment. I started this morning and it's closer to dinner time now. It's been a long day. Fury and I arranged a quick meeting right before dinner though. He, of course, didn't explain anything, just that he wants me in his office to talk.

"Hi, thank you for meeting with me," Fury greets me as I'm closing his office door.

"Of course. So what's up?"

"Alexander Pierce. Recognize the name?"

"I do."

"He wants to officially meet you. I want to arrange that."

"Okay, great. I would love that. When were you thinking?"

"Hopefully within the next couple of weeks."

"Okay. Well just let me know when that's happening and I'll be there."

"Will do."

I turn to leave but quickly spin back around on my heels. "Is there anything I should know beforehand?"

He chuckles at my movements. "Not necessarily. Just that he's a very important man. And I guess it's worth mentioning that he isn't in New York."

"No? Where is he then?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. In Washington, D.C. A building we call the Triskelion. I spend most of my time there as well but due to you coming in as our new recruit, I'm just hanging around. As soon as we have an official meeting time, I'll arrange for a jet to take you to d.c. from here at the compound."

A huge smile fights to form on my lips but I do my best to contain my excitement. "That sounds great, thank you, sir."

"You're free to go."

I awkwardly nod and leave his office to finish setting up my room before the party Cam's forcing me to go to tonight. I'm putting the last book on the single shelf under the TV when there's a knock on my bedroom door. Not feeling like getting up, I tell whoever it is to come in.

"Hey there, I just wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Wanda." A cute redhead smiles at me in the doorway.

I quickly stand up to greet her. "Hey! I'm happy to officially meet you."

"Same to you! I hope you're fitting in well."

"I am, thank you. It's great here."

"Yeah, it is."

We go silent for a minute, just staring at each other. "Well, I was about to head out so I gotta go. It was great meeting you. I'll see you around." I quickly scramble out of the compound to my car.


The booming bass of Wake Up in the Sky by Gucci Mane thumps my whole body as I hang out with a small group in Madison's mansion. Once again, there are people scattered everywhere, dancing, drinking, swimming, etcetera.

"How can we even be partying when all of this is going on with Jasper?" I ask the general group.

"That's what he would want us to do..." Cam drunkenly slurs.

"Jesus, he's already gone," Madison giggles from behind us on one of her couches. "Hey Cal," she purrs, wrapping her arms around me from behind and hugging me tightly.

"Hi, Mads." I tilt my head back, taking her cheek in my hand to bring her in, and blow a smoke cloud into her mouth from the bong I just hit. She inhales my smoke and exhales with a smirk.

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