Chapter 4

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I pull up to Jasper's place with June in the passenger seat. I park on the street and make sure to triple-check that I locked my car before leading June into the party to meet my people. I know mostly everyone here. The music is blasting of course but at least it's a good song: Movements by Pham.

Immediately, I'm greeted by the host and friend of mine, Jasper Webb. I've known him a year less than I've known Cam.

"Wasn't expecting you to show up now that you're a celebrity," he jests.

"Hey, community service will look good!" I joke back, earning laughter from people around us. He laughs and dabs me up.

"And who is this...?" he asks in a flirty way.

"Jasper, this..." I wrap my arm around her waist and gently jerk her into my body. " Juniper."

I leave it at that because I know how Jasper can be with girls, especially pretty girls like June. If they look single, he'll take his chance and get himself into trouble. He isn't a great guy and I would rather keep June away from that. She just seems too good for that. In fact, now that I think about it, most guys here are dicks like that.

I walk with June in my arm to get some drinks. "Do you drink?" I ask June, filling a red cup with whatever alcohol I can find.

"A little."

I pour her some and hand her the cup. I linger in front of her for a moment. She's in very tight gray leggings that show off everything. Her tiny crop top squeezes her in just the right spots. I inadvertently glance down at her plump lips.

"S'cuse me," I hear from behind me.

June and I are standing between the island counter and the main counter and this dude is trying to squeeze behind me. There are people on either side of us so I can't step to the side. I hesitantly take a step forward, enough to press our bodies together, and she puts her hands behind her on the counter to keep her balance. As much as I try not to, I look right at her the whole time. But she looks at me the same way.

The guy behind us takes a while. I think he's rummaging through cabinets for alcohol because I'm firmly pressed against June for a good while.

"Thanks, man." I finally feel a hand tap my back and I let out the smallest sigh of relief.

I awkwardly step away from June who has somewhat of a smile on the corner of her lips. I don't want to be stuck in another situation like that so I lead us around the house to the couches.

I curse under my breath when I see that there's only one spot on the couch open.

I consider just walking past it and finding somewhere else to sit but I'm unfortunately stopped by one of my friends.

"Callie!" An old friend comes running up to me.

"Hey!" I greet her.

"Heard about your fight tonight! Nice job!"

"Thank you!"

"Here, come sit with us!" She ushers me and June over to the couches.

I pause before I reach the empty seat to look at June. I gesture at the open seat to see if she wants to take it instead. She doesn't speak, just smirks.

Thinking she just doesn't understand, I try asking, "June, do you want to-"

I'm cut short by her pushing on my shoulders with both hands, forcing me down onto the couch right between two of my acquaintances. June then sits on my lap, facing her back to me. I'm in complete shock so I stay frozen for a moment. A moment too long apparently. I'm snapped out of my paralysis by June grabbing both of my arms and wrapping them around her waist.

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