Chapter 13

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I right-hook my opponent, sending blood flying out of her mouth, right on the beat drop of Turn Down for What by DJ Snake. I smirk when the crowd blows up for me. She stumbles back into the ropes of the platform so I take my chance. I step up to her and kick her hard in the center of her stomach. I don't give her any time to recover, I'm just trying to get through my third and final match of the day. Grabbing the woman by the back of her neck, I slam her to the ground and she lands with a grunt. The air is knocked right out of her so I kneel onto one knee on her chest and lean down with a worn-out smile.

"You lose," I breathe before cocking my arm back and swinging, not too hard so I don't kill her.

I tiredly hop off the ring, throwing on my robe. I've been wearing it at every match since I got it from Ryder, I absolutely love it.

"Hey babe," I greet the grinning brown-eyed girl waiting for me.

June slips her arms into my robe to hug me. "You did good tonight," she coos, reaching her head up to kiss me.

"Thank you. It's been a while since I've done this. Glad to see I still got it," I chuckle as I release her to chug my water.

"So what do you have going on for the rest of the day?" She asks.

"Well, Cam was supposed to come by for god knows what but he canceled last second. So I don't know. What about you?"

"Just seeing Quinn again, nothing crazy. Hey, I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick. Be right back." She pecks my cheek before walking off.

I watch her as she walks away, once again, simply admiring her. Now that I have the chance, I start to pack my things into my duffle bag and get ready to leave when June gets back.

"Callie Atwood," a strange man greets me as I'm collecting my things. He's in nicer casual clothes, strange for a fight club.

"Uh, hi?"

"Hi, I'm Agent Copeland with S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Fury sent me. He was hoping to bring you in for recruitment as soon as possible. Is now an okay time?"

I stare at him, partly in disbelief. "I- I- Yes. No. Well, I'm here with someone-" I stutter nervously.

"I can arrange a ride home for your friend," he cuts me off kindly. I think for a moment. Maybe a moment too long because he starts again. "Or you can escort her home yourself. Director Fury will just want you at the facility immediately after."

"Yeah okay. That works. Thank you." The agent nods and scurries away. Seconds later, June appears next to me.

"Hey, you good? You look like you've seen a ghost." She wraps her arms around my waist under my robe.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I half-life. I slowly wrap my arms around her neck to return the light hug. I'm in complete shock from what just happened, I have no idea what to think. "We should head out," I add. June smiles up at me and reaches her face up to kiss me before we leave the match.

I make the drive short only because I'm itching to get to the Avengers' facility. Of course, June doesn't let us part ways before we have a short make-out session. It's normal for us now. 15 minutes later, I'm pulling out of her driveway and nervously driving myself to the facility.

When I pull my car up to the front of the huge facility, I'm greeted by Mr. Fury. He stands with purpose waiting for me. "I'm glad you could make it," he greets me as I'm climbing out of my car. At this moment, I'm too awkward to produce a real response so I just smile and let him lead me in.

"So quick question, how did you know where I'd be today?" I ask on our walk.

"I had an undercover agent everywhere you went that I deemed necessary for him to be. Don't worry, I didn't cross any personal boundaries," he explains.

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