Chapter 17

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The white stream of sunlight naturally wakes me up and acts like a spotlight shining on me and June. I lightly groan as I lift myself off of June's chest, causing her to stir.

"Morning," she yawns, weakly rubbing my lower back.

"Hey," I whisper, placing a kiss on her chest before getting out of bed to find some clothes.

As I pull up my sweatpants, I turn back to June who's still barely covered by the sheets. "What?" she questions my staring gaze.

"Nothing," I smile, putting my shirt on and leaving the room.

Minutes later, June meets me in my kitchen in nothing but my Dead Ringers hoodie over black lacy panties. She hoists herself on my counter adjacent to my stove where I'm cooking us breakfast. As the raw bacon begins to cook, I step between June's legs with my arms resting on the counter on either side of her. She uses her legs to bring me closer to her. We stare at each other until the bacon starts sizzling loudly and I'm forced to step away.

"June," I say to get her attention as we're eating breakfast on my balcony.


"We should talk."

She puts down her fork and looks up at me with concerned eyes. "Okay. What about?"

"There's really no way to lead into it so I'll just say it. I'm seeing Cruz tonight."

"You're what?" she chokes.

"I already made arrangements. Beck is coming with me so I'm not alone."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"I- No, I guess not but I just thought you'd want to know now rather than after."

"Do you realize how stupid seeing Cruz is?"


"Do you have a plan for when you do?"

I look away, not knowing how to tell her that I don't. This sets her off.

"Okay, so no. But what I'm getting is your plan is basically to go die. Right. Makes sense. Can I ask what you have to do to see him? I know it's not free."

"You won't like it."

"I don't like any of this so what's new?"

"I'm delivering for a guy to get in," I explain briefly.

"You're kidding," she deadpans.

"June, I have no other option."

"Here's one: just don't fucking go." She abruptly gets up, taking her plate inside. I watch her angrily plop down at my kitchen table to finish her breakfast.

I lost my appetite so I sit outside and think about what I'm going to say to June when I finally go inside. At this moment, I feel like there's nothing I can say that will help my case. When I feel it's the right time, I calmly enter my apartment to June still sitting at the kitchen table in front of an empty plate. As I walk past, I take her plate for her to do the dishes. I stay silent as I clean. When I do finish, I go to leave the kitchen area but stop at the entrance. Not knowing what to do still, I take a small breath and quickly try to go to my room but I'm stopped by June's voice.


I stop dead in my tracks but continue to face away from her.

"Come here," she instructs.

I do as I'm told. Now sitting opposite her at the kitchen table, we stare at each other.

"Why do you always do stupid shit?" She asks.

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