Chapter 18

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For once, I go to the compound to get ready for a party instead of my apartment. In my room at the compound, I stare at two different outfits lying on my bed, trying to figure out which one I like better. One is a loose black suit, the other is a tight white dress. I pick both of them up on their hangers and walk to my full-body mirror. I hold up the black suit for a minute, then hold up the white dress. As I continue to switch outfits, I get a light knock on my bedroom door and call for them to come in.

"Hey." I turn my head to see Wanda smiling at me.

"Hey," I respond, distracted by my lack of decision-making.

"I was about to ask if you're coming to the party but I think I got my answer. Unless those outfits are for something else...?"

I let out a light chuckle. "No, they're for the party. I'm just having the worst time choosing an outfit. It's my lack of decision-making skills."

"Oh, I love this, let's see them!" She squeals, coming into my room, closing the door behind her, and plopping down on my bed.

"Uh yeah, okay." I turn to her and go to hold up the dress but she yells at me.

"No! I mean let's see them! On you!"

"O-Oh, okay," I smile, bringing both outfits to my bathroom to change into my dress first. "I think it'll look better when the look is completed but-" I start asking I'm walking back out.

I look up from flattening the dress on my body to Wanda staring at me with her mouth gaping open slightly.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I shouldn't stare."

"No, it's fine," I smile. "So? What do you think?"

"I love it. White looks good on you. And that dress looks good on you. You just look good," she flirts but I can tell it's in a friendly way.

"Thank you," I blush. "Should I try on the suit or?"


I nod and go back into the bathroom to change into my black suit. I take a moment to admire myself in my bathroom mirror before walking out to Wanda, again, staring at me with her mouth gaping open, much more this time.

"Oh... My... God..." She sits up fully on my bed.


"This. This is it. You have to go in the suit!" She squeals happily.

"It's that good?" I ask as I turn to my full-body mirror and adjust my collar.

"Are you kidding? It's so great. Let's see the rest of the outfit!"

I happily oblige, slipping on my heels and putting my hair up in a clean bun. My dog tag on its chain is just hidden under my loose white undershirt that I left unbuttoned at just the top. My black coat is left open fully to expose my undershirt and just a little cleavage. My dress pants are tighter and they stop right before the straps of my black heels on my ankles.

"You are going to turn everyone's heads," she says with a huge smile.

"It would be a shame if I dressed up like this and didn't," I smirk back. "So what're you wearing?"

"One of my many, many dresses. It's not as great as yours but it'll do."

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be gorgeous, don't even."

She throws her hands in the air in defense with a smile. "Fine. But I should go get changed. I'll see you in a few minutes." She then leaves my room to get ready for the party that starts in 20 minutes.

As it nears the start time, I already hear music from the party from all the way in my room. I take that as my cue to start my journey to the party. Wanda wasn't lying when she said I would turn heads. As I walk through the doors to the party, multiple pairs of eyes are on me. I just politely smile and make my way directly to the bar. There, I order a classic martini with two olives. Since I don't know what else to do, I sit at the bar on one of the stools and spin so I can watch the party, resting back on my forearm on the bar. I catch a few glimpses of people staring at me but I ignore their looks.

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