Chapter 19

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"Agent Atwood, you're needed in the conference room," FRIDAY informs me in the middle of my workout in the training room.

"Be right there," I tell her, stopping my workout and collecting my water bottle to rush to the conference room.

When I walk through the double doors, I'm greeted by the rest of the team all sitting at the table, Steve standing at the front of the room.

"Callie, glad you're here. Take a seat. Let's get started," he instructs.

I do as I'm told and take the only empty seat next to Wanda. Steve turns his attention to a screen at the head of the table and starts talking.

"We have a mission," he starts.

His words send a mini pain through my chest. I don't know why but the mention of a real mission makes me anxious. I'm an Avenger now, this is my job.

"Hydra has taken hostages and has demanded half a million in ransom. Why so little? We have no idea. But we don't plan to find out. So as soon as Director Fury gives word, we need to be on the Quinjet and on our way to Germany. That means everyone needs to be suited up and ready to go within the hour."

As Steve talks, pictures of hostages and important people and places show up on the screen.

"This is a basic stealth mission. Nothing we haven't done before. Coms stay on. We do this as a team or not at all."

He turns his attention to the screen which now shows a picture of a man.

"Hydra has taken one of ours. Agent Crawford. An important S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that we can't afford to lose, not like we'd want to lose anyone. It is imperative that we do this as shadows. It's beyond S.H.I.E.L.D. why Hydra asked for so little but it can only mean they have a plan for the hostages that we need to intercept before they can play it out. Questions or can we get ready?"

Everyone looks at each other but no one asks a question so we all get up from the table to get ready. As I'm standing, Tony stops me.

"Callie, come with me," he instructs.

I follow him to his lab where there's a glass case and a gorgeous bodysuit inside.

"So I was going to give this to you a few days ago but I wanted to add a few things so I couldn't until today. Luckily I finished before the mission," Tony happily explains.

"A suit?"

"Not just a suit. Your suit, Callie."

"My suit?"

"Yes," he chuckles. "Come on, try it on before we have to leave."

"Okay," I smile.

I slip it on and, somehow, he got the measurement perfect. The all-black tight bodysuit fits my body perfectly.

"So Fury told you were into knives?" Tony begins again.

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

"Well..." He walks over to a desk and picks up a box. "I got you some brand new throwing knives. Your suit has built-in knife pockets for them all over. Oh, and here's your com system." He then hands me an extremely small gadget. "Just stick it in your ear and tap it once to turn it on, tap it again to turn it off. Simple."

"Wow, okay. Shit," I laugh. "This is kinda awesome."

"I'm glad you like it. This suit will be your best friend for this mission and every future mission. Treat it as such." He hands me the box of many, many knives and ushers me out of his lab. "Go get ready. We leave soon."

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