Chapter 10

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I've been on and off throwing up since I got home from Paxton Blake's house three nights ago. I was scheduled for a match at Dead Ringers yesterday but I had to cancel because of all the puking I've been doing. Every time I think I'm done, thoughts of Paxton's fucking dick inside me fill my head and I throw up, even when I don't think I can throw up anymore. My friends are supposed to come over today. I don't feel up for it but I already canceled on them the night after I went to Blake's.

The first to arrive, around 7:30 PM, is Camden. "Hey, dude!" He greets me, dabbing me up.

"Hey," I tiredly respond, letting him into my apartment.

He walks right over to my kitchen to pull out the alcohol and instructs me to grab my weed and vapes, so I do. When I'm in my room getting everything, I hear Cam open the door to someone new. I walk out to see Skyler smiling at me.

"Hey Sky," I greet her with a fake smile.

"Hey gorgeous," she flirts.

I walk past her to my living room to put everything I own onto the coffee table. I have quite a few glasses and bongs along with a shit ton of little vapes and a couple of box mods. I've just collected them through the years and today I'm having more people over than usual so I have to have everything out.

"Nice fit," Sky comments from behind me.

I'm in a loose white tank top that exposes most of my sides since there's a large cut where the sleeves would be and gray sweatpants.


Cam calls me into the kitchen so I awkwardly step past Skyler to see what he needs.

"I'm going to do it," Cam whispers to me when we're alone.

"Do what?"

"Make a move on June!"

"Oh yeah? What kind of move?" I chuckle.

"I don't know. Maybe my arm will accidentally go around her at some point."

"Yeah okay," I accidentally laugh.

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

"Nothin'," I chuckle again.

"You don't think I can cop her."

He's right, I don't.

"No, it's not that," I lie.

"Then what is it?"

Before I can answer, my front door opens and June herself walks in. Just my luck, she has the little overnight bag that she didn't tell me she was bringing.

"Hey you two," she smirks at us.

"Hey, June!" Cam happily sings. He glances down at her bag. "What's that for?"

"Oh, it's my overnight bag. I needed to get out of the house tonight." She smiles at me.

"Well, my place is always an option if needed," Cam offers.

"Thank you, Camden. But Callie's got me covered," June explains as she walks away to my room.

Cam whips his head to me. "And she's staying the night here?" he asks annoyed.

"Dude, I didn't even know that until right now. Relax. She does this all the time."

"Well that's even worse," he mumbles as I'm walking away to greet another friend of mine, Chloe Hill.

I lead my friends to the couches. I plop down on my smaller couch and June rushes to sit next to me while Cam attempts to ask June to sit with him. She pays no mind to him though. As some time goes by, more of my and Camden's friends fill my apartment. I play some music and turn on my TV, just so we have something if things get boring. I tune in on the song that's playing, GOMF by DVBBS, as the hit from my box vape hits me. June sits extra close to me on my left with her right arm resting along the top of my left thigh. I watch the room of my friends and my apartment starts to look like Paxton's house. My anxiety grows so I exchange the vape for one of my many glasses.

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