Chapter 16

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I wake to an annoying alarm. With an annoyed groan, I roll over to shut off my phone. 5:30 AM. I had a match a few hours away today but I canceled due to the D.C. trip yesterday. Obviously, I forgot about the alarm.

Now that I'm awake, I find myself unable to fall back asleep. I roll out of bed and trudge to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. For once, no one is around except for a few stray agents every now and then. I throw some milk and Reece's Puffs in a bowl and plop down on a kitchen island stool.

"Morning," a friendly voice greets me.

I turn to see a grinning Wanda Maximoff. "Hey," I smile.

She walks past me into the living room so I turn back and finish my breakfast. As I'm washing my bowl, the distant sounds of gunshots cause me to pause and perk up. I scan the area and notice Wanda lounging on one of the couches in the living room.

I go back to putting away the now-clean dish. "Hey, Wanda?" I start loud enough for her to hear me across the room.

"What's up?"

"Are those gunshots?"

"Yeah, someone's using the range," she explains. I nod my head to myself in awe. "Probably Nat."

"Didn't know you guys had a range here. I didn't see that on my tour," I say as I walk to the doorway and lean on the wall.

She looks over at me as we talk now. "Why'd you say it like that?" She giggles.

"Say what like what?"

"You said you guys like you aren't one of us."

"I guess it's still new to me. I'm not quite used to saying I'm an Avenger," I smile.

"I get that. I felt the same when I was first brought in. You'll warm up to the feeling eventually."

"Thanks, I hope that feeling comes soon. But I think I'm going to head down to the training room now. I've been wanting to check it out and I'm in need of real exercise," I chuckle as I push off the doorway to leave.

"Alright, sounds good. Have fun," she smiles.


Dressed in my classic outfit, tight black leggings and a tight, small tank top, I attack one of the many punching bags in the training room. Scattered throughout the room, a few of my workmates are working out as well. Steve is heavy lifting, Bucky is sparring with someone I haven't met yet, and Natasha is just finishing up at the shooting range.

As I'm spinning in the air from my 540 kick to the bag, I see Natasha walk by and I catch her gaze briefly. When I land, I notice all eyes on me.

"What?" I ask the group of people staring at me.

"It's just a punching bag," Bucky chuckles.

"You aren't in danger," his friend adds.

"What are you talking about?" I ask with my own smile forming.

"They're teasing you about your kick," Natasha jumps in.

"Oh, it was natural. Was it too much?"

"No, I think the boys are just jealous of your skills," she lightly chuckles.

"And are you?" I tease her.

"Yeah, Nat. Are you jealous of her skills?" Bucky's friend asks.

"No, I am not."

"I don't believe it. Do you, Sam?" Bucky turns to his friend who I now know is named Sam.

"I do not," Sam smirks.

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