Chapter 23

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I have a while before Stark's party tonight and I only have one thing to do today: buy a new car. I've been to a few dealerships here within the past few months but my heart is set on one car. I already planned out every spec and every little detail. All I have to do is talk to someone and buy it.

"Hi, how can I help you?" a man greets me at the front of the Rolls-Royce dealership.

"Hi, I'm here to buy."

"Great. Let's get started. Do you know what you're looking for? Or are you just browsing?"

"Oh, I know exactly what I want."


He leads me to his desk and we talk about the car I want. I give him every little detail. It's expensive but I have the money. I dressed up in a casual classy suit for this, just to look like I have money. I bounce my leg under the table in anticipation.

"The import will take a few months. We'll give you a call when your car is ready to be picked up," the man explains after we finalize my specifications and payment.

"Great, perfect. Thank you."

Hiding a huge smile, I head back to my car. There, I let out a tiny celebration to myself. Finally, I make the 40-minute drive back to the compound to find something better to wear to Stark's party tonight.

"Where were you so early?" Clint asks when I walk through the kitchen.

"It's only..." I check my phone for the time. "Eleven in the morning."

"And I rarely see you before noon," he laughs.

"Well, today is special."

"Because it's my party?" Tony jumps in.

"Nope," I smirk. "I had actual shit to do."

"Like?" Clint questions me further.

"It's a surprise," I tease.

"I'll keep asking until you tell me."

"And I'll keep telling you the same thing." I snatch one of Clint's potato chips from the bag as I walk past him.

"Aye!" he calls after me.

I just smirk at him and leave the room. In my own bedroom, I switch on my surround sound system and connect my phone via Bluetooth to play music while I search for a party outfit. Tonight feels like a suit kind of night so I pull out my silver, black, white, and blue suits to compare. I lay each one carefully on my bed and stare at them while humming along to the music in the background. After not being able to pick one for a few minutes, I decide to hop in the shower in hopes I'll be able to make a decision when I'm out.


Stepping out of my bathroom in nothing but a lacy pushup bra and Spandex shorts, there's a knock on my door. Slight panic courses through me knowing whoever it is could very well just walk in. Everyone here is impatient. I've learned that the hard way. I quickly run over to my door and crack it open just an inch, enough to see who it is.

"Oh, Nat. Hi," I sigh, relieved it's none of the boys.

I open the door just enough for her body to fit and grab her hand, yanking her into my room. She stumbles in with a light chuckle.

"What was-" She cuts herself off when she sees that I'm half-naked.

"Sorry, I just didn't want to risk anyone walking by and seeing... me," I smile.

"No, it's fine. Just took me by surprise." She stands against the wall next to my door as we talk.

"So what's up?" I ask, stepping back into my room to put my hair up.

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