Chapter 12

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Juniper Cherry: Hey! It's 8, where you at?

Me: On my way.

June arranged for me to meet some of her friends tonight and to be honest, I'm nervous. She's super excited though. I'm not sure how many people will be there tonight so I don't know what to expect.

I pull up and already see quite a few cars parked on the street in front of her house. I rub my jaw with my hand out of stress before slowly climbing out. My jingling dog tag is the only sound I hear as I'm walking up June's front steps. Three minutes later, the front door is swinging open.

"Callie!" June sings as she's flinging herself into my arms. I stumble back since I wasn't expecting it.

"H-hi," I chuckle as I support her. She wraps her legs around my waist and cups my face to kiss me passionately.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She jumps out of my arms and drags me inside by my hand. I'm led into what I'm assuming is her living room where a group of people is sitting. They're all talking and some are vaping and lightly drinking, mainly the couple of men that are here. I got to say, June's little house is much nicer than my apartment. It's nice being here.

When June and I walk in, they all stop and stare at me. "Um, hi. I'm Callie," I awkwardly announce.

One of the girls smiles big at me. "So you're the girl Junie's been going on about."

I smile at her then briefly turn to June next to me who just smiles and shrugs. She takes my hand and leads me to the one open armchair. Pushing me down and sitting at an angle on my lap, she wraps an arm around my neck and continues talking with her friends. I wrap my arms around her waist and just listen to what they're talking about. They talk for a while until the three guys here are too tipsy to take anything seriously.

"Yo! We should play a game!" One of the men, Zane I think, says.

"Ooo, what game?" Another one of June's friends, Chase, asks.

Zane snorts. "Truth or dare, I don't fuckin' know," he laughs.

"Damn, you're such a child. But I'm down," June giggles. Everyone else in the room voices their agreement so we get started.

"Cool. So I wanna go first. June, truth or dare?" Zane eagerly asks.

"Umm, dare I guess," June laughs, placing her other hand on my chest.

"Dangerous girl. But I dare you to choose one of us to kiss." He gestures to the three guys sitting across from us who all get excited. I look at June on my lap and she smiles lovingly at me before getting up off of me.

She walks over to her friend Chase and sits down next to him. She grabs his face and smushes their lips together for a few long seconds. I tear my eyes away, just making it look like I'm checking my phone. Finally, June plops back down on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck again but holding me closer this time. I avoid eye contact.

"Okay, I guess it's my turn now. Quinn, truth or dare?" June asks another one of her friends.

Quinn is dared to call her ex-boyfriend, so she does, and the call is honestly funny. Her ex ends up expressing all these built-up feelings he still has for her but she doesn't feel the same. That's all I really got.

"Well, I hated that, thanks June," Quinn laughs. "Okay well since it's my turn... Callie! Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I half-sigh.

Quinn pauses for a few moments. Maybe trying to work out a question for me. Then suddenly something seems to click in her mind. "Do you love anyone?"

"Yes," I immediately respond. Almost too quickly.

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