Chapter 22

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Pulling into the compound's garage, I'm immediately greeted by Natasha and her Harley-Davidson LiveWire motorcycle. She's hunched over wiping down the leather seat with a towel. I admire how her tight tank top and leggings squeeze her in all the right places.

"I was getting worried you weren't coming back," she smirks at the seat of her bike.

"How could I leave this place? Getting paid to live in luxury, drink all the fancy alcohol, and occasionally risk my life."

She stands up to face me and wipes her hands clean using the white towel she's holding. "No suit?"

It's just now I remember leaving for the party in a suit and coming home in sweats and a T-shirt. "Right. I got wasted and spent the night with Maddy. I guess I forgot to get my clothes back."

Nat's lips part for a moment then close tightly and her eyebrows ever so slightly scrunch together.

"Oh! No, we didn't- I just- She let me borrow clothes so I didn't have to sleep in my suit," I correct myself.

Nat slowly nods with the corner of her lips curling up. "So I'm assuming the party went well then?"

"Sort of. A lot has been going on with my friend group so it's been weird. But overall, it was alright."

"Glad to hear it."

"Wish you went, though. Some of my friends were asking about you."



"A little."

"Well, they all had good things to say after meeting you. Hopefully, you can come out with us again."


There's a slight pause until I change the subject. "So what're you working on?" I gesture at her motorcycle.

"Just a bit of dusting and polishing. She's getting old."

"Are you in the market for a new one?"

"Oh, no. I'm falling in love with the Corvette, anyway."

"That's a shame. She's gorgeous." I admire her bike for a moment. "I like a woman on a bike," I mumble to myself.

"Agent Atwood, Agent Romanoff, you're needed in the conference room," FRIDAY interrupts our conversation.

"Well, duty calls," Nat smiles before leading us up to the conference room.

There, we're met by some of the team sitting at the table. Through their distressed looks, they smile at us as we walk in.

"Girls, glad you could make it," Steve greets us.

We take our rightful seats and the meeting starts.

"We have a mission," he announces sternly, already jumping into the debrief. "We need all able bodies on this so suit up," Steve instructs after the overview of the mission.

We all get up but before I have the chance to leave the room, Steve stops me. "Callie."

I turn back. "Yeah?"

He waits until everyone else is out of the room to start. "Unfortunately, due to your injury, you can't go. But, you're needed in D.C. You need to be on a jet on your way there within the hour."

"Well, can't argue with logic," I sigh. "But, Cap. How will I get there? I can't fly a jet."

"That's why you have an hour to leave."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "What does that mean?"

"Natasha has an hour to brief you. She's the most capable to do so."

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