Chapter 11

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"So I gotta know. Do you feel the same?" June asks on our way out to lunch.

"Do I feel the same...?" I repeat her question back slowly with a smile. "Maybe..." I tease, taking her hand in mine as we walk down the sidewalk.

"Well, I'm not going to assume anything. Not until I hear it." She gives my hand a little squeeze.

I bring us to a little cafe about a half-mile away from my apartment. We share lunch together, laughing and talking throughout. I'm incredibly happy with our conversation before we left. Now I just have to figure out if I love June or not.

"Thank you for lunch," June says as we're walking back into my apartment.

"Of course. My pleasure."

"Hey, June?" I say as as I set my keys on the kitchen counter.


"I found out where Jasper's drug lord is."

This stops her in her tracks. "Oh shit."

"Yeah... Just figured I would tell you sooner rather than later."

-2 weeks later-

"So I've been hanging out with June a shit ton recently," Camden happily tells me on our walk around the park.

"Oh yeah? How's that going?" I ask, trying to seem like I care.

"It's going alright. Although the one thing I've noticed is how she doesn't seem all that into it."

"What do you mean?"

"Like when we hang out, she just seems like she wants to be somewhere else or when we talk, it's like her mind is on something else. Like she's in a whole different world."

I can't help but let a small smile tug on my lips.

"But I'm not going to give up on her. She's a catch and I really like this one. Plus, if she really didn't want to hang out, she would stop altogether but she hasn't," he continues with his own smile.


"What's wrong?" He questions my short response.

"Nothing," I mumble.

"You're not jealous, are you?"

"No. What would I even have to be jealous of?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm hanging out with her so much and getting so close to her," he tries with a giggle.

"Yeah no. I'm not jealous of that." Suddenly, I'm reflecting on all of the times I've kissed June and the conversation where she told me she loved me and I didn't have to worry about Cam and her. It seems that June hasn't told Cam about us and I kind of like it, the whole sneaking around and letting Cam think he's getting somewhere when in reality, June's into me.

"Oh, shit dude. I gotta ask you something!" Cam practically yells in excitement.

"Okay, what?"

"We got invited to a party tonight. Wanna go?"


"Madison May."

I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. Madison May is a friend of Cam's but she has a huge mansion here in Upper West. I know this party will be amazing so naturally, I need to go. I have no idea why she would want me to go because I'm not rich or anything, which is the crowd she hangs with. Not to mention, she is drop-dead gorgeous.

"Fuck yes," I answer almost too eagerly.

"Awesome. It's at like... 10 I think?" He continues to stare at me.

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