Chapter Eighteen: Critic's Choice

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I filled up the pretzel containers as Adrianna went into the red-doored room, letting out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. Adrianna was a nice lady, but I hoped I'd never see her again.

I had been too lost in thought to hear the back door opening as the herd of security guards stumbled into the bar.

"Violet!" Called out Andy charismatically. He was in front of the group, as always. He took a seat at the bar and turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Whats going on with you?"

"Nothing." I uttered simply. I went to grab the pretzel jar to take it back to the storage room but Andy picked it up first and dropped it in the arms of another guard. I rolled my eyes, but muttered a small "Thanks".

The rest of the group shot a couple annoyed looks at Andy but distracted themselves by sitting in the booths and chatting to each other, leaving Andy and I alone at the bar.

"Hadeon told you that you've got a phone now."

"Did he?" I questioned. It seemed like a strange thing for Hadeon to just mention.

"Not exactly." Andy admitted. "I overheard him calling you today. Figured I'd give you my number, just in case."

"In case of what?" I thought aloud, but handing over my mobile that had been sitting in my back pocket anyway.

"In case you get sick of Hadeon. I'll drop everything and I'll take you on a real date."

I snatched back my phone as he finished typing and scowled. "I'm not with Hadeon."

"Okay, so when are you free? How does dinner sound? Tomorrow night?"

I straightened up the bottles of alcohol on the bar and kept my gaze averted. "I'm not interested in a relationship."

"Ohhh, I see." Andy nodded. "You're waiting for Hadeon to give up his emotionally distant ways and fall in love with you."

"I'm not interested in Hadeon!" I shot back. "I can barely stand him half the time. He's rude and obnoxious and, frankly, not my type! Now get your grimy hands off the bar and go bother someone else."

Andy stayed in his place, looking just over my shoulder with a slimy smirk on his face. I turned to where he was looking to see Hadeon, glaring daggers at me. Now Andy left, smugness written over his round face.

"Obnoxious?" Hadeon questioned rhetorically as he walked past and joined Andy and the others.

I tried to call out an explanation, tell him that I wasn't just talking about him behind his back for the sake of it, but he opened up the bar doors and started ID checking.

Jessica was now beside me behind the bar and sent me a soft smile.

"Did you hear that?" I asked, hoping she was oblivious.

"It was a little harsh." She noted. "Hadeon will get over it."

"I didn't mean it like that." I muttered under my breath, but Jess barely heard it over the crowds of people lining up for drinks.

I kept my head down and started making drinks, letting Jess handle the hoards of customers and plopping the drinks down in front of people with the bare bones of a customer service smile.

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