Chapter Thirty-Nine: Children of Invention

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Harvey paid before turning back to me. Over his shoulder, I watched as Jess made my drinks, not once touching the vodka bottle. She handed our drinks over and Harvey and I went to the booth closest to the bar and furthest from the throbbing speakers.

"So, are you gonna tell me why you were looking at me?" He asked. My heart sped up in my chest. Busted.

"What do you mean?" I laughed, playing dumb.

"I saw your eye latch onto me the second I walked in." I took a long gulp of my not-vodka soda.

"I was looking for a sucker who'd buy me a drink."

He laughed. "No, really though."

"You want me to be honest." I sighed. He nodded encouragingly. "I thought you were cute and I wanted to talk to you." He seemed unconvinced. I tried my best to appear flustered and stood up to leave. "Sorry, you probably think I'm such a creep. I'll just go while I still have a inch of pride."

His hand clasped around my wrist and he lightly pulled me back on the seat side him. We were closer now, our thighs touching.

We chatted, just simple small talk, my face inching closer and closer to his before I abruptly turned away. The fourth time I did it, he let out an exasperated sigh.

"Are you ever gonna let me kiss you?" He asked jokingly. I smiled sweetly.

"Sorry, it's just..." I looked around the club. "Too many people around."

I'd set it up for the essential response. The one line that sealed the deal and lead me on to the home stretch.

"Maybe you could," He started, his finger gently pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Show me one of those spots you were telling me about earlier?"

I looked up at him through my eyelashes as I nodded, before standing up and taking his hand. I led him through the dancers to the red door.

"Are we allowed in there?" He asked, nerves shaking through his timid voice.

I reached up to brush my hair back, leaning my arm in ever so slightly to make my cleavage more defined. "We don't have to." I suggested.

I'll have to remember that trick the next time I seduce someone, because Harvey's eyes drooped to my chest before he nodded excitedly. "I want to."

After gesturing to the door, Harvey turned the knob and stepped in. Over his head, Adrianna nodded to me and I pulled the door back into place and heard an electronic lock click.

Letting out a breath I hadn't even noticed I was holding in, I looked up with a smile on my face. I did it. I actually did it. Hadeon was glaring at me, I noticed. I think he had been the entire night, but now that I wasn't preoccupied I could feel it. He was beyond pissed, and I wasn't having any of it.

"Jess," I started once I reached the bar. "Do you need any help?"

"No." She snapped.

"Are you mad at me?" I challenged. "She helped me out. It was only right to repay the favour."

"You shouldn't've been involved. The mistake was letting her know you exist at all."

I straightened my back, trying to force the same pride I'd had early to surge through my veins again. "Goodnight, Jessica." I hissed before stomping my way back into the apartment.

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