Ch.10 R18

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"Come on in!" Leone smiles, throwing the door to her room open, and gestures (Y/n) to enter.

"Uh... Right, excuse me." He stammers, nodding and doing as Leone says. (Y/n) can feel his face becoming warm with each step he takes. He can only imagine how red he must be as thoughts of what he and Leone are about to do race through his mind.

"Ya getting shy there, Fire boy?" Leone asks, throwing her arms around (Y/n)'s neck. Her cheeks nuzzle up against the back of his neck and she hums from how warm and soft his skin is.

"Um... A little, I guess. This is going pretty fast, isn't it?" He becomes even more self-conscious from her getting so close and begins to sweat a little.

"Hrm? Don't sweat the small stuff. Let's just unwind from all the drama we have to deal with every day and have some fun together." Leone grins, pulling him closer to her. However, she can feel (Y/n)'s pulse racing from his neck and can tell how flustered he is. "Hey, (Y/n)? Seriously, I'm not gonna force ya to do anything you don't want to, so if you're not into this, I won't stop you if you want to leave. I won't tell anyone about tonight to embarrass you either."

"Thanks, Leone, but I want to stay. It's just that, well...." He averts her gaze as she breaks her embrace and circles around him with a gentle smile.

"What? Is this your first time with a girl?" (Y/n) jumps slightly at the question, startled while keeping his eyes cast to the side away from Leone. "I'll take that as a yes." She hums, very amused by his reaction.

"So what? Is that a problem with you?" He huffs defensively, crossing his arms and turning his face away to pout.

"Not at, not all! I told you, this is just for us to have some fun and unwind! I'm not expecting roses or chocolates here." She taps his back and walks further in, hoping that it'll help him relax. "Come on, make yourself at home."

As Leone strides toward her bed, (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes finally lift from the ground and he takes in the blonde's room.

He's surprised to see how open Leone's room is. A massive red bedspread embroidered with gold lines covers the huge bed in the middle of the room. It's easily twice the size of the bed in his room and looks much, much softer. Around the bed is a wooden canopy, and he sees the drapes over the bed billowing and feels a cool draft before finally seeing that Leone has knocked down the back wall of her room and has a well-crafted balcony sticking out the side. (Y/n)'s feels envy mix with his surprise, not knowing he was allowed to remodel his room this way. Then again, it's more likely that Leone did it without permission and later got yelled at by the boss.

(Y/n) feels bad for misjudging Leone. He was expecting a simple room with no decorations, as Leone always struck him as someone who didn't like to get attached to things. But one look around this room and it was clear that Leone was anything but a minimalist. The walls were decorated with tapestries, she had expensive-looking furniture and all sorts of oddities decorating her shelves. Everything but the wooden bed frame and balcony feel like they clash in taste as if they were collected by someone else.

That's when (Y/n) realizes where Leone probably got all of these decorations. She most likely looted them while on missions. Raiding whatever extravagant mansion or office her targets happened to be in for souvenirs.

"Um, (Y/n)?" Leone calls (Y/n) from the bed, making him turn his attention away from the various things decorating her room.

"Yeah-?" As (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes land on the bed, he sees Leone levering herself up onto one elbow, granting (Y/n) a full view of her body. Well-defined abs, firm breasts with pink nipples, thick thighs with a bit of blonde hair where they met over her slit. "Holy crap! You're naked!!"

A Lion's Burning Passion! Leone X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now