Ch. 9

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The capital is as busy as ever, countless people shuffle around on the sidewalks as carriages rush past them on the paved streets. (Y/n), Lubbock and Tatsumi stop in front of some of the higher-end shops. Tatsumi holds his hand above his brows to block the sunlight as he peers into a sweet shop.

(Y/n): What the hell is wrong with me? How did I end up coming here?!

Lub: Because you're secretly a super good guy, and you couldn't say "no" to your sister.

(Y/n): I'm not a good guy...! ...I mean, I am... Just not to Mine!

The (H/c) boy leans back, pinching his temple as groans in annoyance.

Tatsumi: Hahaha, come on. It's kind of funny that we all got played by the girls the way we did.

He peers away slightly from the window he was gazing at, his breath fogging up a bit of the glass.

(Y/n): Bite me, Tats.

Lub: Can we please stop arguing? I think we've done enough of that and it's gotten us nowhere.

The other two boys nod and then take a look around at the various shops surrounding them. Each street has one more interesting store after the other. The boys each spots a handful of stores they'd like to explore, but then remember they're not here for themselves and instead have to think of what Sheele and Mine would like.

Lub: Hey... Guys, do you mind if we split up to find the girls their gifts?

Lub asks hesitantly, as Tatsumi walks over to join him and (Y/n) on the corner of the street.

Tatsumi: How come?

Lub: There are some places I want to check out since we're here. And I don't want to make you guys wait for me.

(Y/n): I don't really mind waiting for you to do your thing, Lub. But I suppose it is for the best so we don't take too long.

Tatsumi: Eh...? Really?

Tatsumi seems the most perturbed by the other boy's suggestion.

(Y/n): What's wrong?

Tatsumi: W-well, it's just that I've never shopped for someone else before. I don't know what I should get so I was hoping that you guys would help me out with it.

Lub and (Y/n) exchange a glance before looking back to Tatsumi confused.

Lub: It's not like we know what we're going either, you know.

(Y/n): Yeah, we're probably going to spend a few hours just wandering around until we find something.

Tatsumi: But you guys have experience with this kind of stuff, right?!

Lub & (Y/n): What?!

(Y/n): What kind of experience are you talking about?!

Lub: I've never shopped for a girl before!

(Y/n): Well... I have, but it's always been for Air and our friends.

The two began to stammer frantically as they tried to make sense of Tatsumi's assumptions.

Tatsumi: That's exactly my point! (Y/n), you've shopped for other people; and Lub, you're always watching girls so you know the kind of things they're into.

Lub: Watch it; you make a wholesome thing like people-watching sound dirty. ...But I do see your point.

Tatsumi: See?! I have no idea what I'm supposed to do!

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