Ch. 18

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With the boss gone to make her request for reinforcements, I have a rare opportunity to do whatever I want. Akame's in charge in the meantime and we don't have any big missions coming in until the boss gets back. So, as long as we get our jobs done on time, Akame's happy. Bless her pure heart, Akame's never been one to stress over the little things so we all have a lot more free time than when the boss is around. It makes her a great friend, but I don't think Akame has what it takes to lead us in the long run.

I have nothing against Najenda. She's one of the people I respect the most in the world, and while I may get in trouble once in a while, I can't say that she's a bad boss. Najenda's been given a huge responsibility in commanding Night Raid. So I'll take a bit of an advantage during the break we've been given and have some fun.

It's late and I have Lub cornered in his room. I sit on his bed while he's at his desk reading a manga as usual.

"Uh... hey, Leone. What's up?" He asks, a little off guard from the late hour. I point at my breasts, then open and close my hand. "Huh?" Lub's eyes sink, looking at me agape.

"A promise's a promise. I'll let you feel my breasts!" I grin. "So... go for it!" The manga slips from Lub's hands and falls on the desk. I was lying when I said he'd get to feel them before. But as a reward for his hard work, I'll keep my promise.

The way Lub moves toward me is stiff. It's adorable. If this wasn't a reward, I'd be teasing him til smoke started coming out of his ears.

I take a seat on his bed, "You have five minutes to squeeze them however you like." I say calmly, leaning back on my hands.

"Five minutes...?" Lub's hands raise up timidly, and droplets of sweat trickled down his cheeks.

"One is for taking care of (Y/n) in my place for the last week while he recovered. The second is for wearing the maid outfit like I asked. The third is for letting (Y/n) grope you ass. The fourth is for everyone seeing you wearing those lace panties and bra after you and (Y/n) ran after Tatsumi. The last minute is for you cheering (Y/n) up as much as you did. He looked miserable after the fight with Esdeath. But thanks to everything you did, (Y/n) seems to have gotten his smile back... As creepy as it is. He's healing much faster now, and I don't think that'd be possible if it weren't for you, Lubbock," For each one I listed off, I held up a finger until my whole hand was open.

Lub nodded along, his hands curled up to his chest. I really wanted to tease him. But just by looking at him, I could tell that if I pushed him even a little, he'd burst in more ways than one.

Lub reached out to my chest slowly. He bit his bottom lip as a sound was about to escape as his fingers went around my boobs. Even over my top, I could feel how soft his fingers were. Even though he always wore Cross Tails and hid his hands, I could tell Lub wouldn't have the type of rough hands that (Y/n) had from his rigorous training and the other men I had been with, who had rough hands from working with their hands all day. I wanted to laugh as I almost ended up comparing Lub's hands to that of the girls I had been with.

At first, Lub's fingers roamed spread out over my boobs. But after the second minute, his fingers grouped together to hold my breasts more firmly.

It wasn't meant to tease him, but I did moan and hum as he kept going. Just counting off the minutes in my head was a no-go. I think anyone would react to being touched, especially like this.

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