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Air: You're really doing it then?!

(Y/n): Geh, yes, stop shouting.

After agreeing to join her group, Akame and I separated. She returned to Night Raid to report Zank had been killed while I went home to Air and told her what had happened.

Air hit me for putting myself in danger against Zank, but then when I told her I would be joining the Revolutionary Army, Air lit up like a child receiving a gift.

(Y/n): Why are you so excited anyway?

Air: Because, um... Y-you're going to be helping to make the Empire a better place, aren't you?

She started fidgeting around.

Air: I know you don't want to hurt anyone, (Y/n), but when Leone came here before to recruit you, I kept praying you'd go with them.

(Y/n): Why?

Air: Because I know how strong you are. So with you helping them, Night Raid will be able to change the Empire so what happened to me... what happened to Fal and Luna doesn't happen to anyone ever again.

(Y/n): It won't be easy, but I hope I'm able to help people too.

I walked over to her and pat her on the head, leading her to look up at me with teary eyes and a smile.

(Y/n): Now come on, let's start packing. Akame said we'd still come to the capital to keep our jobs, but we should take some clothes for a few days until we get used to everything.

Air: Eh...?

I tussled her hair a bit and then walked to my room. Air, on the other hand, stood there with a dumbfounded look on her face.

(Y/n): What's wrong?

Air: You told me to pack as if I was going with you.

(Y/n): Oh yeah... I'm sorry, Air, I should have asked you first if you wanted to. But I just assumed that you wouldn't want me to leave you here alone so I told Akame I would only join if you got to be there with me.

Air: R-Really?

(Y/n): Do you want to?

Air: Yes! Thank you so much, (Y/n)! But is it really okay? I mean, I don't know how to fight so will they let me stay there?

(Y/n): Even if you can't fight, you can still help out. Don't worry, Akame said she would get everything ready. Now go get your things ready, she said someone would come to pick us up in a few hours.

Air: Right!

With a determined smile, Air hurried to her room and packed some clothes as fast as she could and then went back to the kitchen to start cooking something that she forbade me from seeing what she was up to.


Air and I stayed outside our building waiting for Akame's people to come to get us, my patience ran out almost instantly. I couldn't stay seated next to Air on the bench so I started pacing around on the sidewalk.

(Y/n): Where are they? You'd think a group like theirs would be more punctual.

Air: They're just a few minutes late. They're probably being careful to not be seen.

A Lion's Burning Passion! Leone X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now