Maō vs the seven

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Just a little non-cannon one shot

It was the Monday after the attack at the battle tower and classes were back in session at UA and for the students of class 1a they were eager to continue their training to their training.

However they could already tell things were going to be different.

"Do we really need a fucking babysitter when walking to class?!" Bakugou growled, hands stuffed in his pockets as he stalked along with the rest of his classmates in a straight fucking line no less as they were led by Aizawa to their classroom. Said pro didn't even spare the explosive boy a glance as he continued to walk. "Can't be helped, with all that's going around the country and how it seems to revolve around this class at times, Principal Nezu though this would be the best." He explained sounding as if explaining was the most annoying thing in the world to him.

This only seemed to make Bakugou angrier but before he could explode Tenya who was directly behind him came to their teachers' defense. "I know it is a little deeming, but if the teachers believe this is necessary then it is." He said chopping the air. "Tenya's right bro." Eijiro spoke up from a few spots ahead withe Denki nodding in agreement. "Yeah, besides it's not like we're the sole reason the teachers are doing this." The electricity user laughed as he turned to his teacher. "Right Mr.Aizawa?" His laughter started to die down when the teacher didn't even answer him "I mean we're not in this situation just because of our class right teach?" He continued to ask.

The teacher's continued silence did nothing to calm the boy's nerves .

Up at the front of the line Momo sighed as she listened to the bickering behind her. "Honestly how can they act so carefree, especially after all that's happened recently?" She asked feeling a little overwhelmed recently, more so after what happened at the battle tower.

"It honestly makes me a little relived, as if fate is finally giving us a grave period." Fumikage spoke from behind her with Momo giving him a brief but grateful smile, the two growing closer thanks to their Haki lessons from Izuku who was leading his classmates.

"A few days without any life threading scenarios? That sounds Heav-" Momo never finished her statement as all three of their Observation Haki failed to resulting in them all getting into fighting stances with Momo creating two hand guns loaded with real bullets, Fumikage summoned Dark Shadow and covering it with Armament Haki while Izuku coated his arm in Armament and formed a Tremor Bubble around his hand, a fierce glare on his face while the other two very nervous.

This of course got reactions from the entire class as they all instinctively jumped away from their now battle ready classmates, even Mr.Aizawa jumped back and readied his scarf and was about to demand an explanation when right in front of them a portal appeared and stepping out of it was none other than "Beyonder." Izuku growled as the man in white gave a wave in greetings.

"Yo Izuku, how've you been?" He asked not batting an eye when Izuku suddenly appeared in front of him grabbing him by the suspenders. "Well I hope." The bearded man added while Izuku just growled. "What the hell do you want from me now?" The green haired teen demanded while Momo and Fumikage quickly filled the class and Aizawa in that this was the man that abducted Izuku in the middle of the night.

Beyonder easily slipped out of Izuku's hold. "Oh nothing much, just a little job. You'll be back before the first bell." He promised and this time it was this time Aizawa stepped forward his quirk activated and capture scarf at the ready. "And just what is this job?" Aizawa asked not even trying to hide the anger or disdain in his voice. The bearded man just smirked. "I need his help in arresting a group of so called heroes that have gone unchecked way to long." The man revealed getting distrustful but also confused looks from everyone. "Oh yeah, and just why do you need Deku's help with that? Not to mention just what kind of heroes are they that you need Deku's Help?" Katsuki demanded his hands smoking as he readied to fire off an explosion.

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