Provisonal license exam

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It had been 2 days since the battle with All For One, and things were finally calming down. Everyone from the heroes to the battle tower fighters and even Katsuki and Shoto were questioned by the police, who were trying to get the entire story straight.

Soon though everyone went their separate ways and Izuku found himself back at his apartment. Inko and Eri definitely wanted to talk to him but seeing how tired he was they let him go to his room where he wasted no time and the second he hit his bed he was asleep.

His phone ringing is what woke him up several hours later. Looking up he saw he had a message from All Might.

I need to talk to you. Meet me at the usual place.

Izuku sighed but got up, if All Might needed to talk this soon after what happened it must be something big. Stepping out Inko called out that dinner was almost done with Izuku saying he would be back later. With that he walked out the door and headed for Dagobah beach.

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By the time Izuku arrived All Might was already there. Staring at the Ocean with his hands at his side. Izuku and All Might stood there in silence before All Might looked over his shoulder and sighed before facing Izuku.

The two just stared at each other and before Izuku could ask anything All Might spoke up. "You really are incredible, young Midoriya. I see that clearer then ever now." The hero began quietly. "When I first gave you One For All I'll admit there was apart of me that doubted even you could defeat All For One." The pro  admitted before his signature smile came to his face.

"But then you did it, you truly did it. You took everything that monster sent at you and fought back with twice the intensity and ferocity all the while having a smile on your face, albeit a terrifying one." All Might chuckled as he remembered the smile that Izuku had while fighting All For One before sighing. "Seeing that actually put my fears to ease and made my decision so much easier." As the pro said he looked Izuku right in the eyes.

"Tomorrow I'm making an announcement to the whole world, and I'm not sure what exactly's going to happen when I do. All I know is that after tomorrow, there will be no going back." All Might explained making Izuku grunt in annoyance. "If this is such a big deal why not just hold off until things settle down or not do it at all? Izuku questioned with All Might sighing.

"Believe me I've been going back and forth on this, but I know that this is for the best. I just called you here to give you a heads up to prepare for what's coming." All Might said with Izuku grunting. "Look I don't know what this big announcement is, and your clearly not going to tell me, but let me just say this. No matter what happens-." Izuku started

"I've always got your back." Izuku finished extending his hand. All Might just stood there for a few seconds. "Young Midoriya." He began as he shakily took the young man's hand.
"Thank you."

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"This is it.' All Might thought nervously as he looked out at the enormous crowd that had gathered made of reporters that would be broadcasting this live across the globe, newspaper writers and general public, when it was discovered that All Might was making an announcement and so soon after everything that happened news teams from all over the world raced to Japan to get the story. With one last deep breathe All Might walked out on stage.

The moment he did cameras went off and reporters began shouting off questions at a rapid pace that jumbled together with the shouts of the ordinary citizens and the occasional hero. All Might walked to the podium while making sure he had his signature smile despite the massive amount of pressure and nervousness he was feeling before pushing those feelings down as he stood at the podium.

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