Begining the year.

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'Well it's time.' Izuku thought as he made his was to the door. It was the first day of his time at U.A. and Izuku was pretty even on the subject. His mother and sister on the other hand


We're more enthusiastic at the prospect. Izuku just rolled his eyes and said goodbye as he left out the door, the two never noticing as they were still celebrating.

It wasn't long before he was standing outside the door to his new classroom, having been noticed many times students having started in shock at seeing him there, but ignoring them easily having long gotten use to it.

'Well no turning back now' Izuku thought before sliding the door open

"Get your feet of that desk immediately!"


And promptly slammed the door shut. Izuku took a deep breathe before trying again and opening the door.

Apparently the two had come to an agreement as the man talking to Bakugo introduced himself as Tenya Iida before spotting Izuku and walking toward him and he wasn't the only one.

"Hello I am Tenya Iida and I'm happy to see you actually decided to attend. I heard some pretty unsettling rumors about you" Tenya said with his usual robotic movements before holding out his hand.

"Izuku Midoriya" Izuku said while taking and shaking his hand. "And what do you mean rumors?" Izuku questioned and just as Iida opened his mouth he was pushed into the wall and Izuku found himself swarmed.

"I can't believe your actually here dude!" A red headed spiky haired student exclaimed "My name's Eijiro Kirishima and we've  got to spar later I've been wanting to fight you for years." He said before a pink skinned girl suddenly jumped on top of him. "Hi I'm Mina Ashido and you got any plans later?" She questioned

As this was going on 2 students were watching from their seats. One was Bakugou who was pissed at Izuku taking what he thought was his spot as the top dog of the class. The other was a boy who had half his hair white and the other half red, with a scar on the left side of his face he was glaring at Izuku in a challenging manner.

Back with Izuku he was about to finally respond to the wave of chatter when suddenly his observation haki sprang to life and his head jerked to the door. "What's wrong Midoriya?" Uraraka questioned having just entered the classroom. Izuku just pointed to the door and everyone's head turned to the door and saw a rather odd sight. It was a tired and scraggy looking man in completely concealed in yellow sleeping bag with only his face and part of his hair sticking out.

"If your looking to make friends or are that easily starstruck then you can leave now we don't have to for such things." The man said before taking out a juice box and downing it in a single gulp leaving everyone including Izuku at a lost.

"It took you 8 seconds to settle down and that was only after one of you pointed me out, and considering the reputation of that one it was he could do." He said before walking to the front. I'm Shota Aizawa and I'm your home room teacher now go get your PE Uniforms on and meet me at the training field.' Aizawa said before leaving with out a word causing the class to look at each other questioningly before doing just as their teacher ordered.


"A quirk evaluation test? What about orientation?" Ochaco question as Aizawa explained. "We only have a short time to prepare you for the life of a hero and as such don't have time for such things. So we're going to have 8 different test to see where you all stand." Aizawa explained before facing Izuku.

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