Ochako just stood there stunned how easily she was beaten. She had regained control of her body the instant the match was called. "Sorry, but I won't let anything stand in my way between me and my dream." Shinso told her before he left the field with Uraraka doing the same her head lowered in depression.
"Man that was short and brutal! Shinso didn't give any indication he was that powerful before! That's the festival for you, one twist after another!" Present Mic said before Aizawa spoke up.
"This is a perfect example of why the entrance exam isn't rational." He said causing Present Mic to turn to him in confusion.
"Why's that?" He asked not speaking into the microphone.
"Since we're onto the individual matches I had information complied on our final competitors. Shinso failed the practical exam to get In to hero course. Since he also applied for general studies he probably expected this outcome. His quirk is amazing but the entrance exam is rigged in favor of physical superpowers since it was fighting robots.
Despite his abilities he never stood a chance. Hopefully this will open some people's eyes." Aizawa finished.
Present Mic nodded before turning back to the mic. "Well folks that's it for round one! We'll take a short break and then be back for round 2!"
Line break.
Izuku was on his way to the waiting room until he was called for his fight with Bakugou. Izuku was honestly looking forward to this fight as much as Bakugou was.
He opened the door to see Uraraka hanging up her cell phone and sniffing, and Izuku realized she'd had been crying. Ochako noticed him a second later. "Oh hey Izuku, sucks about the match right? Guess I wasn't stron-."
Ochako was interrupted by Izuku flecking her on the forehead causing her to yelp. "Don't think like that. Shinso won fair and square not because your weak, but because he had the element of surprise. Understand?" He asked Ochako who after a moment nodded.
"Good, besides you made it to the 3rd round that's a great achievement so hold your head high and train to get further next time." Izuku told Uraraka who gained a determined look in her eyes and nodded.
"It's time for the 2nd round people!" Present Mic's voice sounded over the intercom "Izuku Midoriya and Bakugou Katsuki, report to the arena immediately!"
"Oh I'm sorry Izuku, because of me you didn't get any chance to prepare!" Ochako said worried she distracted her friend.
Izuku just chuckled as he turned to the door. "Oh don't worry Ochako." He said as he turned his head and Ochako actually let out a little eep at the look in his face
"I've been ready for this fight for years." He told her as he left for the arena with Ochako running to the booth not wanting to miss a second of the match.
The devil fruit hero
AcciónIzuku was born with a quirk. What was that quirk?. Simple to be able to use every devil fruit there is OPIzuku This is my first story and I'm doing this one my phone so it might start a little rough