Round 1, Fight!

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Izuku and Todoroki were staring each other down. Todoroki breathing heavily, his breathe visible and his right side covered in ice glared at Izuku who had his arms crossed and an inpatient glare on his face. "So are you done fucking around and ready to get serious?" Izuku asked.

Todoroki snarled as he sent another wave of ice toward Izuku who could only sigh. As the ice approached it started to bend and curve around him before breaking into many small ice cubes.

 As the ice approached it started to bend and curve around him before breaking into many small ice cubes

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'Crash Shield' Izuku thought as he waited for the next attack.

"He did it again people! Izuku Midoriya blast away the ice like it's nothing! Todoroki  better try something new before Midoriya goes on the attack!" Present Mic said to the cheering audience.

"That's if he goes on the attack." Aizawa said shortly getting confused looks from many audience members causing him to sigh as he explained.

"It's obvious that Todoroki's ice can't get past Midoriya's defense, a defense that coast Midoriya little if anything. Combined with the fact that Todoroki refuses to uses his fire and has a limit on his ice it's pretty clear what Midoriya's plan is." Aizawa said and after a moment of thinking Present Mic understood as he gasped.

"He's going to wait until Todoroki tires himself out and then throw him out of the ring!" Present Mic shouted and many eyes widened in realization as Aizawa nodded. "Exactly, This way Midoriya doesn't  needlessly waste energy and can save it for later fights!" Aizawa finished explaining.

"Brains and Brawn, Izuku Midoriya is as terrifying as they say!"

'It's a no risk strategy that has little if any flaws. It may not be that heroic but it'll certainly get the job done' Toshinori thought as he watched his successor fight.

Izuku meanwhile just sighed in annoyance as he looked at Todoroki who shot another wave of ice that slammed into another Crash shield.

"Man those 2 are terrifying." Kirishima said as he and the rest of Class 1A watched from their assigned both.

"Yeah it must be nice to fire of those huge blast one after another with little recoil and no lag time." Sero continued

"Yeah Bakugou, you and Todoroki can fire things off like that easily, and that doesn't even begin to scratch what Midoriya can do." Denki added.

"It's not as simple you think moron." Bakugou said his eyes completely on the fight. "Over use your muscles and you'll risk tearing them apart. We all have limits, that's why I designed my costume the way I did. Quirks are physical abilities too, use them to much and they'll get worn out."

Todoroki meanwhile was gritting his teeth as Midoriya had just destroyed another wave of ice. Damn it this was getting him nowhere, and if it continued it would end up just as Aizawa said.

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