breaks, fights and truths.

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Been awhile hasn't it?

On a snowy landscape surrounded by mountains 5 cloaked figures walked. They all walked in silence as 4 followed the one in the lead. Soon they had all stoped and in the distance they could see what appeared to be an abandoned set of buildings. The lead figure calmly walked forward and raised his hands as small glowing orbs appeared at the end of each of his fingers. With a flick of his wrist the orbs extended until each formed beams of light and upon making contact resulted in a barrage of explosions as sirens and alarms rang out soon followed by screams fo both fear and excitement.

The group soon made their way to the faculty and the sight was unsettling. Bodies littered the ground, most of them dressed as guards. Others were what one would think an prison inmate would wear. The group made their way to the center courtyard before stopping, as the sound of fighting and gunfire rang out all around them. "How long are we going to let them keep us waiting?" The shortest one asked in a deep gravely voice. Their posture hunched and not the least bit human. The leader simply chuckled. "Have a little patience my friend, after all these people are enjoying their freedom for the first time in years. Let them enjoy themselves." He said with the wind blowing enough to knock down his hood and reveal his face.

" He said with the wind blowing enough to knock down his hood and reveal his face

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As the rioting continued a ringing could be heard coming from the man's pocket. 'Right on time.' He thought with a smirk as he answered. "Hello doctor, as punctual as ever it seems." He greeted getting a grunt in reply. "I take it everything is going according to plan?" The doctor asked with the man nodding. "Of course, we're almost ready to proceed. What about you, is our little trump card ready?" The ring leader asked and could have sworn he could hear the doctor bite back a curse.

"It is." He managed to grind out while the man's smirk grew bigger. "Excellent, thank you for all your hard work." The man said with the doctor letting out a sigh. "Don't thank me. Thank your connection to the master and the fact that the light is ordering me to give you this. I don't particular care about if you succeed but do not allow my creation to be lost or worse fall into the heroe's hand." The doctor was practically growling at this point. "Are we clear Jed?"

Jed merely smiled. "Crystal clear Dr.Ujiko."

Line break.

The class 1A dorms were silent as the class sat around the lounge area not saying anything. With how late the teachers were out searching and patrolling they didn't have the energy to teach that day and with it being Friday principal Nezu was merciful enough to cancel classes that day. That suited class 1A just fine, after having woken up in the chaos and finding out what happened to Izuku were unable to go back to sleep. Only for him to return course later, covered in mud, dirt and blood with a few bandages here and there. The class was about to go into a shouting match of questions but one glare from Recovery Girl shut them up as they went towards Izuku room who after one last examination was finally allowed to sleep with the rest of the class soon following.

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