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Today was especially hazardous to my being. I walked through the halls searching for my one of my anchors, Seren, coming up empty at every turn. Although she tells me her schedule every week, I get too overclouded in my cinematic main character thoughts to actually pay attention. Thankfully, no matter how many times I forget or become too self-consumed in the short films that I create in my head, Seren understands. Seren is like a handful of gemstones. She grounds me when I feel like the universe is doing everything in its power to levitate me into oblivion. She offers me wisdom, guidance, advice, and a voice of reason that is unmatched when everyone else is looking to me for answers but all I have are questions. Some may say that I am comparing her to crystals, not gemstones, but Seren could never simply be the ever so popular "crystal". Seren would always be the complete opposite of basic, trendy, or replaceable. She is so much more than any crystal could ever be to me, and most importantly, to herself. Seren is a rare and often mislabeled handful of gemstones that most would never understand. Piercing, captivating, comforting, and worth all the effort possible to find.

          I needed Seren a little extra today, and she could sense it. How lucky am I to have anchors that know when I am in need or what I am thinking without a word being spoken or a text being drafted? Although telepathic communication between close friends is a beautiful thing, having close friends that will hold you accountable for the self-destructive thoughts/actions you come up with can bite you in the ass. Today, my ass would be missing more than a few chunks. I ended my fruitless search for Seren with nothing to show for it but a few more miles on my already worn boots and a couple of drinks from the knock-off Starbucks nestled in the back of the university library. I piled into the backseat of Seren's SUV with a lot of heavy breathing coupled with mischievous intentions. I decided that I was going to put the cup carrier filled with our drinks in the passenger's seat while simultaneously hiding myself behind the front seats to patiently await her arrival. Nothing too original, unfortunately, but hopefully original enough to be effective. Seren made her appearance after about half an hour with her partner at her side. Seren and Artemis, the definition of the word soulmates. Not that Seren would ever settle for less, but just like everything else in her life this relationship was decorated with all of the sparkles, kodak moments, and close connections that any unrealistically perfect relationship would be nothing without. The two of them never fight, they actually enjoy debating with one another to see who can present their facts in a more professional format. I would say that their level of perfection in the relationship was borderline disgusting, but I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who has refused to settle until she met someone who was her equal in every way. I never know if she actually means equal in every way or if she simply wants a worthy opponent to slaughter in her debates. Either way, Artemis more than fits the bill, and to top it all off she looks at Seren as if the sky would never be filled with stars if Seren hadn't picked out every star and constellation herself with just a flick of her finger. I watched the two of them banter back and forth about current events as they reached the SUV. "Lil is hiding in the backseat by the way so don't hit her with your bookbag when you throw it back there" I heard Seren mutter to Artemis as they entered the vehicle. Committing to my plan, I stayed stiff as a board and controlled my breathing, hoping that Seren was bluffing and couldn't actually see me attempting to scare the two of them. After a few moments of silence, the two of them looked at one another and began giggling amongst themselves. Artemis threw her bookbag in the backseat, hitting me in the stomach of all places, I let out a loud groan against my will. My cover had been blown and, unfortunately for me, my ass chewing was going to come to pass a lot sooner than I had anticipated.

"Is this little practical joke supposed to be a distraction from something?" Suddenly, the air became cold and stale. Seren was staring straight through me with her hand gently but firmly holding onto the headrest of her driver's seat. I looked down, I could feel goose bumps forming all over the tops of my arms, sprinting up to my shoulders. Best friends are a blessing, but just as much of a curse. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I muttered under my breath. Seren sharply turned her gaze to Artemis. "If she thinks I wont torture her mercilessly to get the information I want, she's got another thing coming." Artemis giggled and placed her hand gently onto the hand of her aggressive and terrifying angel. "I'll be sure to charge the cattle prod when we get home dear." The way that they looked at one another, how could she be angry at me for searching for something as rare as what they have? I look for it in the worst places, but at least I'm looking despite my horrible eyesight. 


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