A moment alone

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Place setting: Gracefield Orphanage; little note: yes there are demons in this chapter but there will be no mention at all about them

Ray's POV

"Rayyyyyyyyy" Norman whined tugging at my sleeve while I was trying to read my book. 

"What now Norman?" I asked with a somewhat angry tone

"Tell me, just this last time, how do dragons exist?" he asked looking up at me
I just sighed and closed my book, carefully marking the page I was on with my bookmark and placing the book on the bed next to me.

"Norman we've been over this, dragons do not breathe fire or fly, have you ever seen a Komodo Dragon, they're basically just really big lizards. They don't fly or breathe fire they just crawl, ok I'm not going to go over this again with you darling." I explained for the 3rd time today
Emma and Gilda walked in the room just as I started explaining, they started to laugh trying to make it not obvious. I looked straight at them then looked down at Norman to see him glaring at them. 

"and apparently he's smarter than me" I said looking at the two giggling girls

"well tha- HEY! Guess I'm stupid" Norman said making a finger gun and pointing it to his head

"You always were." I said giving him a kiss on the forehead
Then he just slapped me, I gasped then pushed him off of my bed. When he finally stood back up I pushed him towards his bed.

"Sleep in your own bed tonight then" I huffed while opening my book again

"Wait- no Ray I'm sorry please, please don't make me sleep in my bed" he continued to whine while looking up at me while Emma and Gilda were just sitting on Emma's bed playing a game.

"I'll let you sleep on my bed if you beg" I said still looking at my book, once Emma and Gilda heard what I said they both looked at us as if enjoying what was happening.

"hmm ok, come on Ray let me sleep on your bed, you wouldn't want me to be lonely, would you?" he said while looking at me with puppy dog eyes

"That was more like manipulation honestly, I like your style darling." I said moving over a little so he could get on the bed.

"Thank you" he said while getting on the bed

"Don't think I'm letting you sleep on my bed without some type of punishment" I said still staring at my book

"Fine, what's my punishment" he said while rolling his eyes

"You can't hug me while we sleep and I won't look at you." I said now looking at him

"Awh, well I can make you look at me when you wake up." he said with a smirk

"Such a smug face for a plan that's destined to fail." I said getting closer to his face, our lips barely touching then I slightly pulled away. "How do you expect that to happen, Norman?"

"I have my ways my little raven." he said leaning his head on my shoulder

"This sir, is very gay" Norman and I heard Emma say

"Well of course it's very gay, Norman is here" I said still looking at my book while hearing Emma and Gilda laugh

"O- Ray shut up your gayer than me"

"How the hell am I more gay than you Norman?"

"Oh well I don't know maybe the fact that your actually gay and I'm bi"

"Correction I'm a gay demiromantic." I said looking away from the albino on my shoulder, then I felt a hand on my chin.

"I'm sorry for not using your full sexuality, raven." he said, then he kissed me

"Emma should we be watching this?" we heard Gilda say, we broke apart at that

"Damn I forgot they were here" Norman said

"Yeah Emma, Gilda I mean this in the nicest way possible, fuck off and let Norman and I have a moment alone for once" I said while throwing my pillow at Emma

"Come along Emma, let's let them have their 'moment alone' " Gilda said while grabbing Emma's wrist and dragging her away

Emma of course tried to get back in but Norman and I then started pushing the door close and locked it.

"Now where were we" Norman said with a smirk

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