This is another chapter that idk what to make the title as

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Norman's pov

I stared at him, his black hair looked beautiful in the light of the sunset, his face looked even more beautiful in the light. You could see the green in his eyes even more clearly now, he just looked beautiful.

He brought the cigarette in his hand to his lips and took a long drag out of it. Once he took it out of his mouth he turned his head away from me and blew the smoke out.

Then he looked at me and sighed, "Norman, do you like me?" he asked me.

I smiled, "I wouldn't be dating you if I didn't, would I?" I replied. He turned his head away from me.

"I'm..." he started to say, "Everything that's been happening is too much. I need to leave this all behind. I'm leaving."

"Leaving where?"

He sighed, "I dunno, I always wanted to see Oregon, my mom went there once for a road trip and she loved it. Maybe I'll go there."

"I'll go with you." I said, "I can't just watch you leave, I want to go."

"No," Ray said, he threw his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it, "You've already ruined so many things for me. You had a great relationship with your parents until you started dating me."

"Oh come on," I said, "My relationship with my parents wasn't messed up because of you, it's because I came out."

"Stop lying. They were okay with you being bi, but they always hated me. They hated me when I was just your friend and they hate me now that I'm your boyfriend."

We both stayed quiet for a bit.

Ray sighed, "Sorry Norman, but I'm leaving and your staying. I'm not gonna let you ruin your future just for me."

He turned to walk away but I grabbed his hand. Without looking at me he tried to pull his hand back.

"Norman please don't make this harder than it already is." he said, his voice wavered as he spoke.

"You can't just leave me Ray." I said, my voice wavering as well. "Please don't leave me. Let me go with you. Please."

He stopped trying to pull his hand back, we both stood there, not saying anything. I stared at my hands holding his, and he stared at the floor.

The lighting had changed, the orange hues from the sunset were replaced by the darker shades of the night. The only light that lit up Ray's face were the ones from the light bulbs.

I sniffled and I ran my thumb over the back of Ray's hand.

I heard footsteps and suddenly Ray's arms were wrapped around my body.

"I love you Norman, I really do." Ray said in a shaky voice that told me he too was close to tears, "But I have to go, I have to leave, and you have to stay here."

I hugged him back, "Promise me you'll come back." I whispered, he nodded and I let go of him.

"Goodbye Norman." he said.

I watched him walk away and I fell on the floor, "Bye." I choked out.


I'm gonna be honest, this was meant to be a romantic chapter, but I guess my mind had other plans.

Also this chapter (just like every other chapter in this book) was not edited.

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