How Ray became emo

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Ray's pov

I sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram, I kept seeing posts and reels about some band named My Chemical Romance, maybe I should listen to their songs.


Weeks later I finally had time to check out My Chemical Romance since we were now on break. Grabbing my headphones and laptop, I sat on my bed and opened said laptop. I opened the Spotify app and searched up My Chemical Romance. I decided to play the song 'Teenagers' since it was quite literally right there in front of me. By that I mean whatever that song is, its apparently My Chemical Romance's most played song.

I started playing the song and immediately it was the best thing I've ever heard. It was like love at first listen. I listened to more and more songs and the next thing I knew my liked songs were taken over by My Chemical Romance.


After spending all three weeks of winter break reading, watching, and researching MCR, winter break was almost over.

Two days until I go back to school. I sat there at my desk, leaning back in my chair. Did I talk to my friends at all during this break? Oh well it doesn't matter, we'll see each other in two days anyways.

Then I got an idea. I got up and grabbed my hoverboard. Using my hoverboard I went into the kitchen while T posing, when I got there mom was ironing clothes and dad was making food.

"Whoa, Leslie look who finally came out of his room." mom said when she saw me.

"Heya kiddo." dad said when he saw me, "Have you taken a shower at least once during the break?"

"No, I've been doing more important things." I responded.

"Like what?" mom asked.

I sighed, "Such as listening to one of the best bands I've ever heard. Anyways, mother, I'd like to go get a hair cut."

"Oh yeah? What hair cut were you thinking about?" she asked.

"I'll show a picture to the hair stylist, I just need one of you to take me to get my hair cut." I replied.

"How about your father and I take you to get your hair cut tomorrow and then we can also buy you some new clothes and shoes for school?"

I thought about it, "Sure, that works."

"But you have to take a shower." dad said, "It's been three weeks, you're not exactly smelling great."

I groaned, "Fine, if that's what it takes."


I walked through the gates of the school, one of my eyes were now covered by my black hair.

I heard a gasp of shock when I walked into my classroom, but the bell rang saving me from being asked multiple questions... for now.

After class I went to sit by the tree Emma, Norman, Gilda, Don, and I usually meet at. Soon the group was also at the tree.

"Dude, what the hell? You don't talk to us for three weeks and when you come back you look almost entirely different." Don said.

"Yeah!" Emma groaned, "It's not fair. You look hot now. If you're the hot one, what are we?"

I sighed, "You guys are being very loud."

"But they're not entirely wrong." Gilda said, "You do look.... considerably more attractive, even I, a lesbian, can say that much."

"And look at Norman, he hasn't moved a single inch since he saw you." Don said pointing at Norman.

Sure enough, Norman looked like he was a lagging computer as a human.

Eventually Norman put his hands on my shoulder, "What. The. Fuck? How did you get so ho-" he stared at the floor, "Y-y-y-you." deciding on not talking anymore Norman leaned on me.

I rolled my eyes, "For goodness sake, all I did was cut my hair and buy new clothes."


Alright so I'm going to be honest, everything up until the fourth paragraph (I think its the fourth, the paragraph that starts with "After spending all three weeks of winter break") was actually how I found out about MCR.

A lot of MCR related posts were showing up on Instagram and Youtube and I thought "Why not?". Yes, Teenagers was the first MCR song I listened to and it was "love at first listen". And no, I didn't spend my three weeks of winter break discovering MCR, I believe I first discovered MCR in late July - Mid August.

Anyways, I'm running out of ideas of what to write so if anyone has anything specific they want to be written don't be afraid to ask.

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