Two idiots in love

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Emma's pov

Watching Norman and Ray has always been interesting. We've been best friends for years, even if Ray won't admit it. We've done so many stupid things together. I loved those two, platonically of course. The person I'm really in love with is Gilda, they're so pretty. Anyways, Norman and Ray will deny it as much as they can, but they can't fool me. They're in love. Those two are my two idiots in love. Right now they're sitting on a bench reading a book together, Norman has his head on Ray's shoulder and Ray is holding the book. 

They don't know I'm here, honestly I just came to the park out of boredom. I decided to leave them alone and walk somewhere else. I saw some kids playing basketball and decided to join. After some time of playing and completely annihilating these children with my amazing basketball skills, I saw two familiar heads at the edge of the court. 

"Guys I'll be right back." I told the pre-teens and kids that I was playing with. I ran over to Ray and Norman. "Hey guys!"
"Hi Emma!" Norman said smiling.
"Hey" Ray said.
"You guys wanna play with us?" I asked. They both looked at each other.
"No, I'm alright." Norman said. We both turned to Ray.
Ray shrugged, "It seems kind of unfair to the children if we're both up against them."

I ran back to the kids and asked them if they'd like to split into teams. They all agreed and I went back to Ray and told him. He sighed, "I guess I'm playing then. Norman hold my book." Norman nodded and took the book carefully from Ray's hands.

--- Insert basketball scene because I forgot I don't know anything about sports ---

I threw myself on the ground, "How did you beat us?! I always lose when I'm up against one of you two!" I complained to Norman and Ray.

"It's alright Emma, Ray is just somehow good at everything." Norman said stroking my hair. He made a disgusted face and wiped the sweat that was now on his hands on my shirt.
"I wouldn't say everything. Just most things. Honestly I let the kids play, I payed attention to how they played. After that I helped them reach their full potential by telling them what they're doing wrong and how to fix it. They didn't listen at first, but when they actually saw me play they took my advice." Ray explained.

"You make that sound easy." I groaned and buried my face into my arms. Norman said something about everything being easy if your patient enough or whatever he said. "Is that why you guys won't admit you like each other?" I blurted out before I even thought about it. They both went silent, I went silent, we all went silent.

"Emma you obviously have the wrong idea." Ray said. I turned my head to the side to look at them. They were both blushing a lot and had even moved away from each other.

"Y-yeah Ray and I are just friends."
"Best friends or whatever people say."

They looked at each other, eyes meeting. 
"Then why are you blushing?"
"WE'RE BLUSHING BECAUSE WE'RE EMBARRASSED OK?" They both yelled. I smirked. They looked at each other again, I decided to go. I rolled away and eventually got back on my feet.

(3rd person or as some other people have put it nobody's pov)

Norman and Ray stared at the ground after Emma left.
"She" Norman said.
"Was" Ray replied keeping it going.
"Right?" Norman sounded unsure. Ray nodded.


"Really?" Ray asked. Norman nodded.

They both got up and decided to go somewhere else for their date which they both decided to go on immediately.


Ray and Norman like to guess what the other is thinking by saying random words and hoping they're right and no one can tell me otherwise. Also I'm kind of proud that I didn't swear like my life depended on it in this chapter. 

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