The Dare

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Some good ol' fluff to bring back the vibes from the first three chapters.

Milfs + Norman, Ray, Don, and Gilda

Gilda aka mommy/daddy
Emma did you change my username?

Emma's orange ass
No, I haven't even been around you today.

Gilda aka mommy/daddy
Then who changed my username

Norway outta here
Ray and I did :)

Gilda aka mommy/daddy

Ray's gay ass
Because 'Gilda aka the parent' was too boring

Y'all shoulda changed it to.... 'Nonbinary hoe'

Gilda aka mommy/daddy
Don! What the hell

No Don it should've been 'Gilda filled a pan'

thats awesome

Emma's orange ass
just to be clear and all, by pan you meant me?


Emma's orange ass

I rolled my eyes as Norman sent me a text whining about how Don and Anna came up with somewhat better names than we did. Then I got a text from Gilda.
Gilda aka mommy/daddy
So you and Norman changed my username 

Ray's gay ass

Gilda aka mommy/daddy
so what you just hacked into my account?

Ray's gay ass
Gilda, your password was LoveEmma4Life, its not that hard to figure out.

Gilda aka the parent
Shut the hell up

Ray's gay ass
So you've changed your username back. Don will be upset that you didn't use his recommendation.

Gilda aka the parent
that's fine. Anyways, have you finished your side of the dare?

Ray's gay ass

Gilda aka the parent
Ray, we have three more months of school. I finished my side of the dare and now I'm happily dating Emma.

Ray's gay ass
Nat also hasn't done his side of the dare.

Gilda aka the parent
I don't know if Nat ever will, you know how he is.

Ray's gay ass
If Nat doesn't have to do it then neither do I

Gilda aka the parent
Your just being a bitch

Ray's gay ass
Don't called me a bitch

Gilda aka the parent

Ray's gay ass
Ok ok fine fine I'll do it. Before the three months are over

Gilda aka the parent
I closed my phone and went downstairs. The dare, before school started Gilda, Nat, and I decided to have a sleepover. We played truth or dare but we all had to do the dare or answer the question. Nat got the bright idea of daring us to confess to the people we like; Gilda to Emma, Me to Norman, and Nat to Don. The time limit was just "When school ends", I rubbed my eyes as I took the last step down. This dare is seriously making me question if I want to let Nat move in with me when I get an apartment. I lounged around the house for a bit and even talked to mom and dad.

~~~~~~~~~~ time skip to two months later because I'm lazy :> ~~~~~~~~~~

I was really fucking nervous. I paced around the room clutching on to the peony, I'm going to tell him with complete confidence. So what if he doesn't like me back? I heard the door open and I turned around to be met with his smiling face. My heart pounded as he got nearer to me, then he stopped right in front of me still smiling.
"What did you need Ray? And why this early in the morning?" he asked me. I looked at my watch, it was pretty early.
"I uh- I got you this flower." I stuck out my hand and practically shoved the flower into Norman's hands. He grabbed it and smiled. He stood there admiring it for a few minutes before looking back up at me.
"Is that all?" he asked. I stood there wondering what to do. What do I say? I've never done this before. And then my body took control and I grabbed his face and kissed him. He tensed up a bit and then put his arms around me. When we pulled apart his face was flushed red and I'm sure mine was too.

"I- I like you..." I muttered. He laughed and then kissed my cheek.
"I like you too." he held the peony closer to him. "But you could've waited for after school and invited me to the park or something. So I'd be able to put the flower in soil immediately." I chuckled and nodded in agreement. The room got quiet as I swayed around a bit.
"I'm gonna go now, to find something to put the flower in." he ran off yelling a goodbye as he did. Once he left the room I blushed even more.
"Holy shit he likes me back." I mumbled to myself. I got up and jumped around, he likes me back! I pulled out my phone and immediately texted Gilda.

Ray's gay ass
He likes me back!

Gilda aka the parent
That's good, you remembered to give him the flower.

Ray's gay ass
yes of course I did.

Gilda aka the parent
I'm  so proud of you.

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