Basically me shitting on the teacher x student trope part 3

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Ray's pov

"What the fuck is he wearing" I muttered to myself

"Teacher I call bullshit!" someone yelled, standing up and pointing at Norman, "Why the fuck does he get to wear THAT but I can't have holes in my pants?"

The class phone rang as Norman sat down, I quickly answered the call. I nodded along listening to the shrill voice on the other side.

"Well, he can wear that because his parents paid the school a lot of money." I said once the call ended. I took one last look at the outfit he was wearing. Collar, fishnets, way too short shorts, the tiniest shirt I've seen on a person, and for some reason a leash attached to said collar. Exactly what kind of porn does this kid watch?

I sighed deeply, this was going to be a long day. 

How did he not understand the obvious signs I gave him yesterday?

I grabbed the papers Emma gave me and found Norman's. I scanned the page, this time carefully trying to decipher the scribbles. There at the bottom!

'Tendency to flirt with teachers.'

Well, at least now I know I'm not the only person he's done this to. I sighed, maybe I'll just quit.

I decided to ignore his continuous efforts to flirt with me throughout the day. It was hard trying to not lash out. He was constantly annoying me. Walking up to me and pretending to drop something just to bend down, asking me for help on stuff and making noises it was seriously annoying. Not the mention the very obvious stares at certain parts of my body.

I felt very exposed, obviously he did not pose a threat to me, but I felt hyper-aware of what people might think when they see me. I felt... scared almost, is this what everyone thinks when they see me? When I walk down the street, do people look at me only for my body or the thoughts of what they'd like to do with me? When I looked for people to date, were they just thinking about having sex with me and then leaving? 

During my lunch I had Nat buy me lunch again, while I sat in the classroom helping students with whatever they needed. 

I was so busy wondering if all people around me just viewed me as some sort of sexual object that I didn't even notice Nat texted me. Somehow he was able to get inside the school and walk in my classroom, saving me from another awkward encounter with Norman.

"Here you go Ray, one burrito and your favorite drink from the gas station down the street." Nat said, putting the bag down carefully on my desk.

I nodded at the bag, "Thanks Nat. How much do I owe you?"

"27.94" he replied. 

I nodded again and pulled out my wallet. While I grabbed the money Nat looked around the room until he spotted Norman next to him.

He laughed, "That's an interesting outfit to wear to school."

"Yeah rich boy over there had his parents pay the school to let him wear that!" someone yelled as they were leaving the classroom.

Nat smiled, "Really?  The only time I ever wore something like that to school was when I wanted to hook up with my te- OH! Is that why you're wearing that?"

Nat started laughing, "Let me tell you something sweetie, the only teachers that would agree to hooking up with their students are MAJOR pervs, okay? I slept with a lot of them when I was your age, trust me, they'll be into the craziest shit ever. Besides, why would you want to get with a teacher that's probably twice your age, look for people your age. Get with the football team if you want, just look for people around your age."

"I guess I do feel kind of silly." Norman admitted.

Nat nodded, "See? Now come on, I have more respectable clothes in my car."

I rolled my eyes, "Nat, I doubt anything in your car would be more respectable than that, I'll take him to the lost and found."

Nat shook his head.

"Ray, the lost and found is going to have the absolute worst things in the world. At least if its from my car it would be fashionable." Nat argued.

"Yeah, but anything from your car would be filled with cu-" I stopped myself before I could finish the sentence.

"How about I just go home?" Norman asked.

Nat and I both nodded, "Probably for the best."

Norman took out his phone and started typing, then he walked out of the classroom.

After that he stopped trying to flirt with me, and unfortunately took Nat's advice, and slept with people from the football team instead. Basically he became to this school what Nat was to ours, just without the sleeping with the teachers part.

Did I stop feeling hyper-aware of what people thought of how I looked? No. I stopped working at the high school after that year, I no longer felt safe there, so I went back to working at an elementary school. It's still extremely hard for me to walk around anywhere without thinking about the possible thoughts people might have about my body.


And that's the end of "basically me shitting on the teacher x student trope."  I actually really enjoyed making these chapters. Anyways, I hope you guys like the way this chapter.

Also, I was thinking of deleting the TPN oneshot book but moving the chapters in there to my multifandom book, what do you guys think?

And would you guys like it if I made another disney movie inspired chapter?

Make sure to take care of yourselves and happy new year!

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