Going to the mall

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Ray's pov

It's Saturday which means I get to sit in my shed and work on whatever weird little machine I want to build, hopefully this time whatever I make turns out better than the pancake flipper, at least the pancake flipper didn't break dads hand.

When I woke up this morning I grabbed my favorite mug and made some coffee, then I went outside to my shed carrying the mug, my speaker, my phone, and some books.

An hour or two passes, my coffee's gone cold, and I've read some pages of the books, then I hear voices. I decided to ignore the voices and played it off as the neighbors kid's playing outside, then someone pushes my door open so violently I was surprised it didn't fall of it its hinges. My head shot up at the sound of the door and I looked up to see my friends standing there.

"Ray, get your things ready, we're going to the mall." Emma said staring at me. I turned my body towards her and stared right back at her.

"No, I'm busy." I said, then I pushed my rolling chair backwards to get something out of a drawer.

I heard a sigh, "Gilda, pass me the rope." Emma said. I turned the chair so I was looking straight at them, Don and Emma picked me up and Anna tied me up.

"First of all, rude. Secondly, this seems kinky. And third, who even let you back here?" Anna continued tying me up with the rope as Norman answered my question.

"Well, your dad opened the front door for us and he also told us where you were, and your mom gave us permission to use force if we have to."

"Those fuckers." I whispered. I felt something around my legs and I looked down to see Anna tying my legs with another rope.

"Alright, he's tied up." Anna said standing back up.

"Good." Emma said smiling, "Norman, Gilda, grab his legs. Anna, Nat, you support his torso. Don and I will grab his upper half."

I sighed, "If you guys are going to do this, can I at least have my phone?"

"Yeah sure!" Emma said happily, she grabbed my phone and handed it to Norman because her skirt didn't have pockets. "Alright gang, lets go." she said, then I was picked up and they started walking.

We had to walk through the house, or more accurately they had to walk through the house, to get to the front yard. I turned my head towards mom and dad and silently pleaded for them to help me, they shook their heads and I groaned.

Eventually I was thrown into the trunk of Norman's car and wasn't untied until we got to the mall. I bit Nat's hand while he was untying my arms.

"Ow! Ray what the fuck!" Nat yelled.

"Well you guys brought me here against my will, I'm just getting payback." I said. Anna and Nat finally finished untying my legs and arms and I was now free.

Norman grabbed my hand smiling, "Come on Ray, let's go have fun." he said. Don't look in his eyes, I thought, don't look in his eyes.

I looked in his eyes and sighed, "Fine, let's go. I'm not accepting just cause you asked though, I accepted for other reasons." I said, now looking at the floor.

Norman chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.", we all started walking through the parking lot and into the mall.

Once we were in the mall, I was dragged around to multiple stores because everyone in the group has different styles. In fact, we went to so many stores I'm surprised that we didn't go to every store in the mall. Eventually we all walked over to the food court and I was finally able to sit down.

I sighed in relief when I sat down carrying my food that I ordered. "We went to so many stores, are you guys sure there's even any stores left for us to go to?" I asked before I started eating.

"Of course there is. Anyways, at least admit you're having fun." Emma said before she started eating. 

"Whatever, where are we going after this?" 

"We only have like five other stores anyone in the group would want to go to, so once we're done with those, we're gonna have a movie night at your house." Don said.

"Why my house?" I asked, now very confused. "Usually the movie nights are at Gilda's house."

"Your parents invited us." Nat answered, "And we cannot decline an invitation from your parents."

Emma changed the topic and it wasn't brought up again. Eventually the trip to the mall was over and each of us had bought something from many stores. When we got home I opened the door and went to the living room where I thought my parents would be. Sure enough, they were in there, and snacks were on the table in front of them.

"Hi Ray." Dad said. I sat down on the couch and Norman sat next to me.

"So, why did you guys let them take me and then invite them over." I asked.

"You don't hang out with anyone anymore." Mom said, "You're either doing school work, on your laptop, or in your shed. It's good to be by yourself, but at least talk to your family and friends, even your boyfriend."

"Yeah, we honestly thought you were dead." Emma said, "We were lost without your sarcasm and emo-ness." she started ruffling my hair.

"You guys could've asked instead of kidnapping me, I bit poor Nat for goodness sake." I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah, thanks for that by the way. You know I just love getting bitten, it was honestly the best part of the day." Nat said, "When they told me the plan I definitely said 'Wow am I going to get bitten? Because that would be awesome!'"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry Nat, I'll give you one of my machines as an apology."

"That's more like an I hate you gift after what happened with your dad and the pancake flipper."

"That was just one machine that malfunctioned. Anyways nothing really bad happened to my dad, just a minor burn." I said.

Just as Nat and I were about to continue arguing, Gilda told us to shut up and then asked mom to play the movie. A movie that Nat and I both loved, Guardians of the Galaxy.


If this chapter sucks its because I wrote most of it at 3 am. Also, I'm going to try to write more, I just need more ideas and motivation and time.

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