A Strange Place part 2

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Just to clear things up before you read this is a part 2 of the story where Ray wakes up in the weird white place.

Alright have fun reading

Norman's pov

I leaned my head against my hand while rolling a little ball made of a cloud on my desk, sighing I typed a name into the keyboard and looked at the window to see it land on the guy I haven't been able to get out of my head.

I stared at him as he laughed with his friends.

Then I heard a noise from behind, I turned around and saw Gilda fly through one of their circles of transportation.

"Hey Gils." I mumbled looking back to the window.

"Staring at him again?" they asked, I nodded and they sighed, "Well sorry to bother you but God wants to talk to you."


Gilda led me through the circle and once we landed, we heard yelling.

"-complete madness I tell you!"

"-can't get any work done because-"

"-keeps looking at that one human an-"

"-it shouldn't have happened at all-"

"-we're behind on multiple things."

"He normally did most of the work, now we're all struggling to catch up!"

"-has to help us!"

"Alright, alright, everyone quiet down. He's here."

I looked up to see the other watchers scowling at me. I stood there awkwardly as everyone in the room stared at me.

"Now Norman."

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"We hear that you haven't been doing your job lately, and according to your keyboard history you've only been checking in on one human for the past 2 weeks."

"Yeah! One mistake and he gets obsessed with some random human, think about the rest of us Norman!" Don yelled. I had to fight back the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"We understand that you might like that human but you still have a job to do. We're behind on check ins, the records are completely wrong, and for some reason, the timeline on my window has been changed to 1912 so I've been seeing very weird things on repeat."

"I'm sorry sir." I said, "I'll try my best to work harder."

A very timid watcher named Conny spoke up, "I'm sorry to say this Norman but the problem isn't the quality of your work, the problem is that you're completely denying your work. You've got to forget about that human, even if you see him from time to time you are not allowed to pursue him, he- he's human after all! You're a watcher, he's a human, and you can't change that."

If it was possible to strangle a watcher I probably would've done it to Conny by now, between us she kind of annoys me.

"Alright, everyone back to your stations, we'll check in again in two weeks."

Everyone nodded, sent me a few glares, and walked through a portal to their stations. I opened up my portal, which was a bright blue color, and walked through.

Once I was back at my station I grabbed the cloud ball on my desk and threw it out of the window, I did this with hundreds of cloud balls which caused a storm in Florida. I clicked my sleep button to show the other watchers I'm going to sleep. As I lay in my bed I realized something, I could just visit him, if I timed it right no one would know.

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